Video: Fauci Admits Mandates Are ‘Just a Mechanism’ To Get More People Vaccinated – IOTW Report

Video: Fauci Admits Mandates Are ‘Just a Mechanism’ To Get More People Vaccinated

Nothing to do with ‘following the science’.

Summit News: In an appearance Sunday Anthony Fauci admitted that vaccine mandates are merely a “mechanism” to coerce more Americans to take shots.

Appearing on ABC Sunday, Fauci noted “A vaccine requirement for a person getting on the plane is just another level of getting people to have a mechanism that would spur them to get vaccinated.”

The comments came as part of a discussion on applying vaccine mandates to air travel.

Far from following any ‘science’, Fauci admitted that “anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome.” more here

9 Comments on Video: Fauci Admits Mandates Are ‘Just a Mechanism’ To Get More People Vaccinated

  1. It has been really interesting watching the numbers this month. I was looking at NY State this morning, big jump the first couple of weeks (Delta) with somewhat of a surge in deaths, then skyrocketing the past two weeks (Omicron) as it has around the country… with a DROP in deaths.
    Next couple of weeks are going to be very interesting. Meanwhile, at state and federal level the authoritarians are doubling down on good news and trying to force jabs and boosters for restaurants, possibly air travel. Not sure what political goals (which are all they have) are supposed to be serviced by these iron-fisted mandates.

  2. The virus is real (flu), the treatment is killing people.
    If it were actually a bout immunity, they would be testing for the antigens.
    It’s about submission, control, big money for big pharma, and killing small businesses.

  3. Follow the money first and then consider if the prescription advanced the progressive agenda and therein lies your answer. The mandates have absolutely nothing to do with the stated motivation for implementing them.

  4. @ ecp DECEMBER 29, 2021 AT 8:36 PM

    If Big Pharma has any connections to Twitter, which they obviously do, this single act of denying informed consent invalidates any liability protection they think they have. This is exactly the precedent that the tobacco company law suits exploited to the fullest and in this case they are basically running wild.


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