China: In Locked-Down City of 13M, People Running Out of Food – IOTW Report

China: In Locked-Down City of 13M, People Running Out of Food

(NEWSER) – The Chinese city of Xi’an has been locked down since Dec. 22, and this lockdown is more extreme than most. In a quest to maintain China’s “zero COVID policy,” the New York Times reports workers have been tasked with spraying disinfectant throughout the city, and Xi’an’s 13 million residents aren’t permitted to leave even for essential reasons, like getting groceries. That’s a tightening of the original rule, which allowed a food-related excursion once every two days in the city, home to China’s famous Terracotta Warriors. But as of Monday, the only accepted reason to leave the home is for COVID testing, and the BBC reports that some residents say they are running out of food.

The report comes via Weibo, where locals are posting about their lack of supplies. The government has taken on the job of delivering them to households, but many are writing that their delivery has yet to take place, that they’re running into trouble placing an order, or that they’re running up against price gouging. The Times reports the hashtag “Grocery shopping in Xi’an is hard” has racked up 300 million views on Weibo. State media has aired footage of hazmat-suit-clad workers portioning eggs, meat, and vegetables into plastic bags that are then taken to residents’ doorsteps. But others say they’ve been waiting for days and have gotten nothing. more

25 Comments on China: In Locked-Down City of 13M, People Running Out of Food

  1. Aw, boo hoo. If black and white cinema taught me anything it taught me that the following items can be consumed: boots, boot laces, soap, egg shells, paint, ham bones, crab shells, oven mitts, lipstick and battery acid. They’ll be fine.

  2. No big deal.

    If they need more people, they can repatriate all their Military & Corporate spies that are working for them around the world.

    Besides, it lowers their carbon footprint.

  3. Not unusual for the Chinx to starve their own people.
    They were North Korea’s Air Force during the Korean war.
    Chinese pilots flying Russian Mig-15s.
    We were fighting N. Korea, China and Russia.
    This is why Douglas McArthur wanted to nuke China.
    But Harry Truman didn’t want to kill Communists.
    He’d rather give them jobs in the State department.

  4. China will never be punished for all the wrought they’ve brought on the world and in their own country.

    All the Wuhan Labs that created this bioweapon should have been turned into glass parking lots.

    No politician has the guts to speak out because they’re been bought and paid for.

    Trust in the Lord for he is the one who will take care of these evil-doers.

  5. Chuckie January 2, 2022 at 1:36 am

    Aw, boo hoo. If black and white cinema taught me anything it taught me that the following items can be consumed: boots, boot laces, soap, egg shells, paint, ham bones, crab shells, oven mitts, lipstick and battery acid. They’ll be fine.

    Yep, that’s all the ingredients that we’ve been fed in food products from China. Yeah, a lot of pets died at the hands of the Chinese as well as humans. Dunno what we’re eating in those Top Ramen soups, but we do know what we’re getting in the way of vaccines and viruses from China. I’m not partaking of any of it. Get the jab meet the slab.

  6. What was that old Vietnam war trope the leftists repeated sardonically as they stroked their goatees…”We had to destroy the village in order to save it.” I don’t even know if it was ever actually said, but the left loved to use it to indict the US military for alleged murderous incompetence.

    Now watch the leftists enthusiastically defend the Chicoms destroying Xi’An in order to save it.


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