Quebec forbids citizens from walking their dogs during COVID curfew – IOTW Report

Quebec forbids citizens from walking their dogs during COVID curfew

Does your dog need a walk to do its business? “Too bad,” says the government of Quebec, which has removed a dog-walking exemption to its new curfew law. According to the Montreal Gazette, Quebec instituted a province-wide curfew on Friday. MORE

18 Comments on Quebec forbids citizens from walking their dogs during COVID curfew

  1. It’s 10 degrees F right now in Montreal and it will drop down to near zero tonight, with negative temps forecast later this week. Who’s walking their dogs in that weather, anyway?

  2. Actually, they realized it was a “error” and are apparently making the change for 12:01AM.
    The last curfew allowed dog walking.

    Personally, I think this curfew they made the mistake on purpose.

    Don’t worry about them. Polls show that the public is in favour of this bullshit.

    French = white flags
    French Canadian = Pig fuckers

  3. Jethro
    JANUARY 2, 2022 AT 10:17 PM
    “It’s 10 degrees F right now in Montreal and it will drop down to near zero tonight, with negative temps forecast later this week. Who’s walking their dogs in that weather, anyway?”.

    …Jussie Smollet. He’s hoping it will attack him so he can blame it on White Supremacist, just like he did in freezing weather in Chicago…

  4. Burr,

    That is exactly the attitude.

    They force french labels on everything in Ontario.
    They take Oil & Gas money from Alberta (equalization payments from English Canada)
    They vote Either Separatist or Liberal in EVERY Election.
    Blackmail an entire country.

    Fuck Them! They want to be ruled along with Toronto, Ontario. The rest of the country voted Conservative.

  5. Maybe if the government would explain to the common folks exactly how much more deadly the coof is between 10pm and 5am perhaps people would willingly stay indoors instead of having to follow some heavy handed curfew. Something like “10 o’clock sneezes travel the entire neighborhood in the blink of an eye and lingers on all doorsteps waiting for a victim to step foot outside to unleash the full force of certain death until precisely 5am and finally dissipates because it’s scared of the sun.” You know, just be truthful.

  6. Ahhhh … the difference between subjects and citizens.
    Canuks have nothing to lose but their chains!
    But … apparently … they enjoy their chains.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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