Progs truly hate women – IOTW Report

Progs truly hate women

American Thinker:

By Andrea Widburg

Add Washington State to the list of jurisdictions that now mandate that criminals must be housed in prisons that reflect their “gender identity.”  It shouldn’t surprise any sane person that criminals who target women claim to be women when the time comes for their own incarceration.  A good example is Douglas Perry, a serial killer who murdered at least three women and as many as nine and is now housed in a women’s prison.  This is how much the Democrats, who claim to be the protectors of women’s rights, love women.

Over a four-month period in 1990, Douglas Perry murdered Yolanda Sapp, 26; Nicki Lowe, 34; and Kathleen Brisbois, 38, and then dumped their naked bodies near the Spokane River.  He also claims to have murdered another six women, although their bodies have not been found.  It would be another 22 years before DNA evidence led to Perry being tried and convicted. more

12 Comments on Progs truly hate women

  1. Progs are defined by a virulent hatred for humanity in general. That is a natural consequence when envy is no longer a cardinal sin and is elevated to being a virtue.

  2. they’re not using their noggins.
    Just ‘identify’ as not guilty, and they will free you out on the street
    makes as much sense
    as long as they have their masks on, I guess it must be OK, or they wouldn’t do it, right?

  3. Any man who wants to be in a woman’s prison would be the biggest bitch in the hen house.
    1.The Bull Dikes call the shots.
    2.If you are that big of a fairy then you are not getting ass.
    3. All those women would have their periods at the same time. A couple thousand
    crabby bitches yelling at you from every direction.

  4. @Cynic January 3, 2022 at 5:02 pm

    > Women and children ALWAYS pay the price for progressive policies.

    Since women and children are the CREATORS of progressive policies, it seems rather just. No?

  5. The prog-frogs engage in these types of activities since they have no real identities of substance themselves. Like many of those hollywood hollow-head characters pretending to be someone else makes life worthwhile to them.

  6. That liberals hate humanity is clear. Killing is second nature to the brutes.

    To me there is a solid line from the French Revolution to Darwin, and then through Marx, Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and today’s abortionists, globalists, and enviro-wackos.

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