Carr: New Year Prediction, COVID Will Fade Once It Starts Hurting Dems – IOTW Report

Carr: New Year Prediction, COVID Will Fade Once It Starts Hurting Dems

Howie Carr:

I will only make one prediction for the New Year:

COVID will soon be in the rear-view mirror, although maybe not immediately. But like an old soldier, it’s going to fade away.

I say this because I follow the science – political science.

12 Comments on Carr: New Year Prediction, COVID Will Fade Once It Starts Hurting Dems

  1. I’m thinking we have it again this week, kind of passing it around at my house. Either that or a cold, hard to say. Still not getting tested because what would be the difference in treatment? Rest, stay hydrated, keep taking our vitamins and supplements.

    We’ll be fine and, if anything, will have acquired a little stronger immunity.

  2. Meanwhile, people are suffering under a tyrannical government. All diseases like this fade away, it’s what it left in it’s path won’t be long gone. The effects of the jab will linger on for years as no one knows what the effects will be 1 – 50 years from now. Genocide is being played out right before our eyes. Some are resisting, others step up to the needle and say “give me your best shot!” Fear kills.

  3. @karasioux: My son and DIL have covid and they tested. Son’s boss brought him a covid test to his home. Both tested positive. This happened around 12/25. They’re 9 days into it and they’re both doing okay. Son’s sore throat was hurting him, but his doctor gave him antibiotics and doing much better. 99.9% of people recover from covid, have antibodies, you’re good to go.

  4. @ Anonymous JANUARY 4, 2022 AT 8:23 AM

    How do you know that? You and your fellow useful idiots accepted to be programmed at an early age to simply absorb the daily talking points that come down from the leadership of the progressive movement as fact. What I KNOW about Covid is next to nothing simply because access to information is being strictly controlled by the progressive movement, consisting of the Democrat Party, establishment Republicans, their fascistic pharmaceutical corporation, media and big tech allies in a fascistic government and others who stand to profit financially or politically from perpetuating the “crisis.” I have been systematically and deliberately denied this information and therefore cannot independently corroborate anything that is being spoon fed to the population as either fact or fiction. What I do KNOW about all of this is that I SUSPECT that their is nefarious based on what I do know. What I do BELIEVE is that if history is anything to go on, I am far better off to maintain the status quo when it comes to being shot up with what is not a vaccine, unless one accepts that the meaning of vaccine is flexible and plastic and legitimately follows the political expedient of redefining words to advance an agenda.

    Obviously YMMV, and does. Unlike you, I have core beliefs and do not form my opinions based on what others would like me to believe. I rely on facts and only accept facts when they are backed up by reliable information that is available. Without those parameters being met, I am cautious and suspicious, to say the least.

    If what I say is not valid reason for skepticism then ask yourself this question: Why were the PCR tests intentionally done with scientifically invalidating excessive replication cycles of the sample material which generated 95% false positives for… a cold. Could it be that there is an agenda behind all of this that relies on a predetermined path that leads to universal “vaccination” and is part of “fundamental transformation?” I would say that if history is anything to go on, this is more likely than not the case.

  5. Thanks, Goldenfoxx. We all had it (tested positive) in November 2020 and it was pretty much a non-event then, too. We’re not worried in the least — I know how to treat a cold — but appreciate your reassurance.

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