AT&T and Verizon agree to two-week delay in rollout of new 5G service due to concerns over airline safety – IOTW Report

AT&T and Verizon agree to two-week delay in rollout of new 5G service due to concerns over airline safety

CBS: AT&T and Verizon agreed Monday night to postpone their deployment of new 5G wireless service over concerns that it may interfere with flight safety equipment, the companies said.

AT&T confirmed the decision in a statement, noting that at the request of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, “we have voluntarily agreed to one additional two-week delay of our deployment of C-Band 5G services.”

“We know aviation safety and 5G can coexist and we are confident further collaboration and technical assessment will allay any issues,” the company said. more

14 Comments on AT&T and Verizon agree to two-week delay in rollout of new 5G service due to concerns over airline safety

  1. “Aviation regulators have raised concerns that the new technology might interfere with devices planes use to measure altitude.”


    Those Boeing 737 Max’s were just reinstated last year.
    Gonna suck when that flawed aircraft software crashes a dozen more planes.

  2. The FAA bought cheap ass receivers with no selectivity that overload easily in the presence of nearby signals. Also, where’s the FCC in this mess, they’re responsible for frequency allocations, power levels, harmonic suppression etc. Is anybody doing their job anymore?

  3. Note that AT&T and Verizon(AOL) are on the minority-hating George Soros’ list of ‘friends’ and have been so for quite some time. He funds these entities and numerous others, and in return they engage his sick creeds and practices across the globe.

  4. This is such BS. My phone carrier made me replace the phones because they weren’t compatible with the switch.
    I proclaimed at the time, to Mr. Kakalogical and the long-suffering pooch, that we would be forced to upgrade our phones on a regular basis, under the guise of incompatibility.
    I was wrong. We have to upgrade all our planes. A bit more than $400.
    When do we bust out the pitchforks and torches?


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