Biden Administration Claims About California Port Productivity Improvements are False – IOTW Report

Biden Administration Claims About California Port Productivity Improvements are False

CTH: You might remember: October 13, 2021, Joe Biden delivered widely carried remarks about specific actions his administration was taking to increase operations at the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and the Port of Long Beach (POLB).

Here we take a closer look at the claims since the original announcement, and then highlight the actual results from the ports.  The port operations are actually doing worse today than they were in October. They are less efficient, less productive and have handled less freight in November than they did in October.  The factual results are exactly the opposite of the administration claims.

The October 13, 2021, White House fact sheet is HERE, “announcing a series of public and private commitments to move more goods faster, and strengthen the resiliency of our supply chains, by moving towards 24/7 operations at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.”  On November 17, 2021, the White House gave an update, “Recent Progress at Our Ports: Moving Cargo and Filling Shelves” and claiming the increased hours of operations were delivering on the White House expectations of increased productivity and offloading capacity. more here

6 Comments on Biden Administration Claims About California Port Productivity Improvements are False

  1. Liars.
    The Entire Usurper Biden Cabal and its Media Propagandists.
    The Media is incapable of disseminating facts. It has outlived its usefulness.
    And they have no place in a (formerly) free society.
    When we quit tolerating liars, they will quietly depart.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Reality is that Joe Biden invented burritos in 2010, and now the demand for burritos is clogging the Los Angeles’ ports.

    Or something like that. I tend to read IOTW posts fairly quickly, and may be confusing two or more posts.

  3. Well, it’s not like AlGore has invented the internet or something so that the claims can be checked… Since the Japanese have yet to attack our living room at Pearl Harbor yet… squirrel!



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