Massachusetts Residents On The Move … Out Of Here! – IOTW Report

Massachusetts Residents On The Move … Out Of Here!

Howie Carr:

Massachusetts is only number seven?

Seventh among the 50 states people are fleeing? That’s the best – or worst – that we can do?

Over the past couple of years, the Commonwealth has usually ranked a lot higher than seventh when it comes to any kind of catastrophic statistics.

Number three in deaths per 100,000 during most of the Dem panic, I mean the pandemic.

Number one in unemployment in the nation for several months during 2020.

So this annual United Van Lines National Movers Study comes as a bit of a disappointment. Gov. Charlie Baker – Charlie Parker, as Dementia Joe Biden calls him – has certainly done his damnedest to make this state as unlivable as possible.

Parker has turned Massachusetts so unlivable that he became unelectable, which is why he’s now a lame duck. Still, under his dismal stewardship, Massachusetts should be the second or third most unlivable state in the union, as it is in so many other quality-of-life stats, like taxes for instance. read more

17 Comments on Massachusetts Residents On The Move … Out Of Here!

  1. “Don’t come to Florida and vote for lefties to screw things up!”

    Exactly. That’s what gets me about libtards. They hate their surroundings so many of them just up and leave. The kicker – one would think they would have done some research and put two and two together and realize it’s happening in all the blue states. But no, since the gospel according to CNN never mentions this they think maybe it’s just a coincidence, so let’s keep on voting for more libtards. They love to pile on conservatives, but damn are they some stupid assholes. How hard is it to be open minded and do a little bit of research and not let other people tell you how to think?

  2. “Still, under his dismal stewardship, Massachusetts should be the second or third most unlivable state in the union….”

    Don’t underestimate the power of termite-like politician assholes in other liberal shithole states. Plus, Mass received mucho federal money for 40+ years thanks to their criminality.

  3. The biggest trouble is most of them move up here to the semi-free state of New Hampshire, and then continue to vote their same patterns – or Massing up our state as we like to say.

    If you’re going to continue to vote straight Blue, stay in your own shithole of a Commonwealth!

  4. A lot of them also came to Maine and have turned us into such a liberal hole.
    Maine gained 10,000 residents last year.
    That’s a lot considering the state population was only 1.3 million.
    They also drive like idiots.

  5. Maine has gained 10,000 residents last year.

    Texas said hold my beer. Dallas/Ft Worth alone gain 10-20,000 per month. And those are the legal ones. I think I read there were over 600,000 illegal “get aways” last year plus another million or so with court dates.

    The damage done is irrepairable.


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