What’s up with Ted? – IOTW Report

What’s up with Ted?

CTH: Oh dear, this statement by Senator Ted Cruz is going to put Ms. Julie Kelly in quite a pickle.  Earlier today, Senator Cruz called the J6 protesting groups a bunch of “violent terrorists … who should go to jail for a long, long time.”

Readers of these pages will not find this mask slip by Cruz to be a big surprise; however, for the legions of Cruz-bots, who have avoided watching him turn into a wolfman type hybrid, literally, this could be problematic.  You only need to watch the first few seconds of this one minute video to see where Senator Cruz stands. MORE

h/t Brad.

39 Comments on What’s up with Ted?

  1. I can hear more in that statement, like maybe the true criminal will be exposed.
    Where is John Sullivan (Jayden X)?
    Identify the FBI agents in the crowd.
    And why was Mike Pence’s personal security, downstairs, in the hall way to Kill Ashli Babbitt?

  2. Perhaps Cruz is paying Trump back for calling his wife ugly?

    Let’s face it, Trump had diarrhea of the mouth far too much.
    He was his own worst enemy and time for DeSantis in 2024.

    Not defending Cruz, fuck him.
    Just saying you can’t go this shit alone like Trump tried.
    You need allies.
    Can’t have them if you don’t understand the swamp.
    Can’t be calling someone’s wife ugly.
    Seriously, who does that?

  3. Veedon, then why the fuck did Trump have to say so?
    If it was so self evident?

    Trump was dumb as hell for saying he “preferred soldiers that don’t get captured.”
    That likely kept Obamacare via McCain.
    I HATE McCain but I don’t blame him.

    Likewise, tossing bombs at future allies is very short sighted.
    Fucking dumb.
    It’s becoming obvious to me that Trump won’t be allowed to win again so let’s move on.
    DeSantis 2024 OR BUST!!!

  4. Just another coward hiding under a table while unarmed citizens walked through the building. Single file though line control ropes. Sure a few people were loony instigating a lot of the drama. Just piling on the TDS. False flag smell as the truth eventually comes.

  5. @LocoBlancoSaltine – because that is what Trump does. Ain’t a one of these politicians that is perfect, so one must take the good with the bad. It just gets tiresome when they all turn out to be cut from the same cloth. This maneuver by Cruz indicates to me he is really no different, just underhanded rather than in your face.

  6. @LocoBlancoSaltine January 5, 2022 at 11:49 pm

    > DeSantis 2024 OR BUST!!!

    “We’ll VOAT ourselves out of this genocide!”

    Totes adorable, not a part of the problem! Totes adorable.

  7. Please Anonymous, choose an identity if you want to converse here.
    Doesn’t have to reveal anything…obviously.
    I’m very willing to have a conversation but why bother when I don’t know what Anon I’m talking to?
    Seriously, it takes 7.3 femto-seconds to choose an identity.
    ANY identity.
    Doesn’t cost a thing either.
    Or not?
    You be you Anonymous.

  8. He’s sounds like NASCAR: rebranding himself for a different market – a different demographic for 2024, perhaps.

    Is it me, or does it seem like the shit’s about to hit the fan on multiple fronts? There is sooooo much bad news out there….

  9. @VeedonFleece January 6, 2022 at 12:00 am

    > It just gets tiresome when they all turn out to be cut from the same cloth.

    All swearing their allegiance to the same Party. To be listed as six of one, half a dozen of the same, we’ve got no reason to care what hoi polloi voat for. Why so consistent?

  10. Canadian born asshole. Just more proof. At least he did not approve a 500 billion platinum plan just for the blacks. Along with approving no accountability for Big Pharma for the so called vax.

  11. Loco and others: Why this dismissal of anonymous posters, especially as our country descends into a totalitarian hell-hole? With fellow citizens held now for a year simply for showing up last January 6th? I say what’s on my mind here without fear of being doxxed and move on. If you discount my opinion because you don’t know exactly who I am, that’s OK, just read the next comment.

  12. Give the Keys to Trump Again or Ron DeSantis and watch how fast Cruz gets on his knees.
    Sure Cruz pisses you off sometimes but what about the Entire McShitStain Family.
    Ultimately these are Politicians, not honest people like Used Car Salesmen. 😉
    They are about as predictable though.

  13. Ted Cruz is and always has been, first and foremost, for Ted Cruz. His political blindspot is he simply does not understand the depth and breadth of POTUS Trump’s support. That was made glaringly obvious when he decided to make that amazingly tone deaf speech at the ’16 convention. Cruz is a career politician, that’s all he knows.

    And who knows, maybe he’s trying to get called in to the Jan6 committee.

  14. During the 2016 primaries the biggest anti-Trump, pro-Cruz site was the Right Scoop, their writers and those commenting, anyone who strayed were banned. This appears to have killed their love for Cruz. Not sure how he thought this would help him, his fans are leaving, those who were just getting over Teddy Bears and his actions at the convention were reminded why they grew to hate him.
    His new nickname on social media is Ted Cheney.

    Maybe Cruz is the reason his wife is a basket case and his teenage daughter had no supervision and allowed to have an Instagram account where she trashed Daddy dearest and let the world know the shirt she was wearing showing her stomach was photo shopped to cover her up in their Christmas picture. I guess parents can’t keep a 13 year old off social media and force her to wear appropriate clothes in a family picture?

  15. Not only did Cruz make this ridiculous statement, he made a deal with the Dirty Dems that includes him not blocking the radical activist judges they’ve nominated.

  16. The Declaration of IndependenceWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

  17. I gave Ted $100 for his 2016 Prez primary campaign. When Trump got nominated I gave $200 to his campaign.

    If…IF Ted really said this, then I’m done with him. He would be in Romney Country. A wretched hive of scum & villainy.

    BTW – I read how a bunch of Senators and Congressman piled onto the anti-vaxx SCOTUS amicus suit. Interestingly, it said of the 50 Repub Senators, there were 4 who didn’t sign on, thereby McCaining us. I downloaded the list of Senators who signed on and compared it to the list of US Republican Senators.

    Pierre Delecto Romney
    Susan Collins (Batshit-Maine)
    Tommy Tuberville (Alabammy) WTF?

    I couldnt find the 4th shitweasel….

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