Taco Bell launches taco-a-day subscription – IOTW Report

Taco Bell launches taco-a-day subscription

NBC: Taco Bell is launching a taco-a-day subscription program nationwide Thursday to drive more frequent visits.

Customers with the Taco Lover’s Pass can order one taco — a crunchy taco, soft taco, spicy potato soft taco, Doritos Locos taco or the supreme version of any of those — each day for 30 days straight on the chain’s app.

The pass costs around $10 a month, depending on the location.

In its latest quarter, the Yum Brands chain reported U.S. same-store sales growth of 5%, falling short of Wall Street’s high expectations. Taco Bell is typically the top performer in Yum’s portfolio. read more

23 Comments on Taco Bell launches taco-a-day subscription

  1. If the CDC released the data on co-morbidity for adults hospitalized by covid complications as they just did for the frequency of obesity in teenagers…

    SIXTY-FIVE PERCENT of those teens were obese or highly obese (whatever that means).

    The one thing, and it seems to be a primary contributor, that Americans can do to reduce their risk of dying from a disease that has a greater than 95% recovery rate in the general population, is to LOSE WEIGHT.

    But you can’t even call obesity what it is because to do so is “fat shaming” and a “hate crime.” And to make things worse we now have an army of fat people (the only “army” they can virtually “march” in) on social media flaunting their blubber and calling it “beautiful”.

    What a world.

  2. It’s much easier AA to maintain the correct weight & BF than to have to get back to it.

    I was unpacking more of my crap from this last move to WA and went through my senior yearbook. There was not one of us that I would consider even close to obese.

    Now 1 in 5 high schoolers is obese and another 2 of 5 are pushing it. That an early habit that’s going to be tough to beat the older you get. I saw a beach picture from the 60s(?) and everyone, young and old were fit or close.

  3. Come on Jill!
    How come i canit have a taxo?
    Hold on.
    Hold on a minute.

    How Come,
    Every one else gets a taco.
    But Not Me?

    No. No No!
    I won’t have another acciment. Accisent.
    I won’t have an accident.
    I promises

  4. MMinWA — I know! It’s nuts! So many health problems linked directly to being overweight and obese. Obesity surpasses smoking as the number one health problem today, and yet there is no national organization or campaign shaming fat people the way smokers were villified. Remember those posters?

    I almost hate going to a state fair anymore. Everywhere you look there are seriously obese people; from the toddlers in the strollers to the 50-somethings riding those motorized chairs. It’s a national shame. The other problem is that the young who are fit, do it entirely through gyms and exercise and not by spending that energy in any productive way at all — through physical labor. They don’t know how to use a shovel, a lawn mower, a bumper jack or even a vacuum cleaner!

    Gluttony and sloth. Aren’t those two of the sins God hates?

  5. As long as they stay away from Doordash! I haven’t eaten so well in years.. They can’t read an address to save their life….Taco’s this week and Domino’s Pizza last week!

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