Who Are These Moonbats And Biden Voters Bankrolling Tsarnaev’s Canteen Account? – IOTW Report

Who Are These Moonbats And Biden Voters Bankrolling Tsarnaev’s Canteen Account?

Howie Carr: By now you know — not from the TV networks, of course — that bloodthirsty Muslim terrorist Dzhokar A. Tsarnaev got a nice $1,400 welfare check from his fellow Democrats last June.

COVID relief, they call it. Delivered right to his cell on Death Row at the Supermax in Florence, Colo.

Nothing surprising about that, of course. The Joker, as he’s known, was born in a Third World hellhole and spent his entire life here on welfare after sneaking into the country with his grifting family claiming that they needed “asylum.”

Tsarnaev used those hundreds of thousands of dollars in handouts to buy the ingredients for the bombs that killed the U.S. taxpayers who’d supported him and the rest of his sticky-fingered, shiftless, flim-flamming family.  He was a drug dealer, his older brother murdered Jews for sport, he detested America …

He’s a good Democrat, in other words.

Of course they wanted to give him money – our money!

My only question is, who are these other moonbats and Biden voters who’ve been sending Tsarnaev money every month? Not the federal public defenders, those goateed, squirrelly, Birkenstock-clad attorneys who wired $11,230 over the years to his canteen account. more here

9 Comments on Who Are These Moonbats And Biden Voters Bankrolling Tsarnaev’s Canteen Account?

  1. If the POS terrorist is wiring money to his child raping goat fucking friends, which he obviously is, then anyone that has given money to the POS terrorist should be prosecuted.

    It really is as simple as that. But the people that like to suck the dicks of child raping and goat fucking terrorists will never allow that to happen.

    And the list of those people is loooooong.

    At least the prison in Florence is saving a little money on toilet paper with this POS there though. We all know that third world child raping goat fuckers use their hand to wipe their ass.

  2. Followers of the progressive movement that are too lazy to get off their asses and actively terrorize innocents live vicariously through the pieces of shit they support financially and morally.

    Progressives all aspire to be him. They all hate America and what it stands for as the best hope for innocent people around the world to escape suffering, misery and death, which is merely an extension of their hatred for humanity in general, which is a manifestation of their own self hatred.

    Nothing surprising here.


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