Judge Thwarts FDA’s Sinister Plan To Keep Pfizer Covid Jab Documents Secret ‘Until 2096’ – IOTW Report

Judge Thwarts FDA’s Sinister Plan To Keep Pfizer Covid Jab Documents Secret ‘Until 2096’


A federal judge has ordered the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to accelerate the publication of documents related to Pfizer’s covid vaccine by more than one-hundred-fold.

The FDA had claimed that the disclosure would take decades. In November last year, the agency asserted that it would take 55 years to release the full data, that estimation was then extended by another twenty years.

RT reports: In a ruling on Thursday, District Judge Mark Pittman rejected previous arguments from the FDA after it said it might take decades, possibly until 2096, to complete the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Though the agency said it could only process and publish around 500 pages each month, Pittman said it would have to pick up the pace – instead ordering it to put out 55,000 pages in the same time span. more here

11 Comments on Judge Thwarts FDA’s Sinister Plan To Keep Pfizer Covid Jab Documents Secret ‘Until 2096’

  1. Why someone might think you people don’t trust your betters.

    Surely you don’t think ill of Pharma, the FDA and the politicians?

    I’m shocked that all you all would question their motives!


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