Tool of the Year: Tony Evers out-tools them all – IOTW Report

Tool of the Year: Tony Evers out-tools them all

Empower Wisconsin:
MADISON — 2021 was a tough year for Gov. Tony Evers.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court — once again — checked the governor’s pandemic power grab, this time ending his illegal statewide mask mandate. He was boxed in by the Republican-led Legislature, which forced the Democrat’s hand in signing a budget with significant tax cuts that bore little resemblance to his tax-and-spending plan. And his People’s Maps Commission was exposed as the partisan dog-and-pony show it was (Democrats in the Legislature wouldn’t even support it.).

But Evers was nothing if not persistent. He repeatedly found ways to fail — Wisconsin and his political prospects.

As Wisconsin employers struggled to fill positions, Evers made a severe worker shortage worse by refusing to end federal unemployment benefits payments that kept workers out of the workforce. When the Legislature passed a bill ending the subsidies, Evers vetoed it. The governor insisted there was no evidence to suggest weekly giving people hundreds of dollars of free money would make them reluctant to look for work. Help wanted signs and want ads everywhere begged to differ. read more

10 Comments on Tool of the Year: Tony Evers out-tools them all

  1. I think that’s a forced smile on Mr. Punchface’s lips. Makes sense because liberals are nothing but sad sacks. Always blaming someone else for their troubles, angry 24/7 at something or other, constantly playing the victim card.

    They reject God as the only way to happiness because “science” keeps insisting there is no God.

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