Have a seat, Joe. – IOTW Report

Have a seat, Joe.

The rest of you- Click here šŸ˜‚

h/t Brad.

20 Comments on Have a seat, Joe.

  1. That is one possible scenario. Iā€™m waiting to see how the progressive movement takes the worthless cocksucker out. It is quite possible it will go down that way, but just one of the possibilities. They have to get rid of the idiot, Iā€™m waiting to see how it goes down.

  2. Sadly it’s not too far fetched to believe this dirty, old bastard could be doing this! One of these days Jackass Joe is going to ride into Dante’s 9th circle demanding kids and ice for Captain Moron’s Dumb Runner drink!

  3. Brad, you beat me to it….

    If papa Joe wants to destroy OUR lives, we’ll destroy HIS life…..what’s left of it, anyway. We’ll do it through memes.

    The left has no defense.

  4. I wouldn’t believed it.

    NO network or cable provider will EVER allow ANY of the prominent child rapist pedophiles to be publicly called out, not even Pedo Joe.

    Chris Hansen would “kill himself” first.

  5. LocoBlancoSaltine
    JANUARY 9, 2022 AT 12:31 PM
    “…windmills with propeller blades…”

    …that’s also not what they ARE.

    Propellers propel.

    Ideally, a windmill doesn’t go anywhere.

    The proper name is “Turbine Blade”.

    But, since Joe knows as much about windmills as he does about vaccines, I wouldn’t expect him to ever correct that…

  6. SNS:
    Biden after touring wildfire damage in Colorado that destroyed more than 1,000 homes:
    ā€œWeā€™re gonna have windmills, youā€™re gonna see that have 100-yard wingspans, each, each propeller on that on that windmill, 100 yards long. So thereā€™s so much thatā€™s going to be able to be done.ā€

  7. JDHasty,

    I believe that Brandon will be shot by a white male wearing a red baseball cap.
    The shooter will be shot by the Secret Service and will die of his wounds without regaining consciousness.
    It will be spun that he is a Conservative, giving the left the opportunity to declare open war on all Conservatives.
    Buy the time the truth comes out, Marshal Law will have been declared and Habeas Corpus will have been suspended.

    The defecation will then hit the ventilation…..

  8. LBS – Joey’s windmill comment after visiting the fires in Colorado. Ironically, the fires are only about a mile from the NREL Flatirons campus. That campus has about a dozen of the monster windmills and I don’t think I have ever seen more than 1 or 2 in operation at a given time.

  9. If only….

    Pedophilia is a constant with the globalist cabal that control our government. It will be legal in 20 years. Satan owns this world and the end if days is near.

    I grieve for my children and grandchildren, The Lord’s will be done but they will pay the price unless he is merciful and raptures us first.


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