A Children’s Book for Liberals Who Think Children Are Destroying the Planet – IOTW Report

A Children’s Book for Liberals Who Think Children Are Destroying the Planet

WFB: Andrew Stiles 

REVIEW: ‘Greta Thunberg and the Climate Crisis’ by Amy Chapman.

Remember Greta Thunberg, the Swedish child activist who became a media darling by skipping school to protest climate change? The COVID-19 pandemic has really done a number on her celebrity status. She’s no longer a child, for example, having turned 18 last year. A Democrat was elected president, giving millions of liberals an excuse to stop caring about the things they pretended to care about when Donald Trump was president.

The hierarchy of elite liberal hysteria has shifted. Being up in arms about the “existential threat of climate change” seems so quaint and out of touch compared to the “existential threat of structural racism.” Even the scientists seem to agree. Racism is better for ratings and requires just as little effort to care about symbolically. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer can take a knee wearing Kente cloth, woke corporations can hire a bunch of diversity consultants, and the rest of us can tweet #BlackLivesMatter or post a black square on Instagram.

On a related note, it would be hard to find a more egregious example of “white privilege” than this recently published New York Times article about deranged liberals who aren’t having kids due to their crippling climate anxiety. “I literally can’t go to a dinner party without the collapse of a civilization being at least mentioned, if not being the main topic of conversation,” a rich white woman told the Times. “Arable land is decreasing around the planet. We might not have enough food.”

This raises an interesting question. Who, exactly, is the intended audience for all these Greta Thunberg children’s books?

21 Comments on A Children’s Book for Liberals Who Think Children Are Destroying the Planet

  1. If you can reach Democrats with cartoons, THIS is a good one from 1948 for both teaching how Capitalism works AND Communism DOESN’T, that was made by a college back when they used to teach instead of indoctrinate, it’s pretty colorful so maybe it will hold their attention, at least enough to complain about the lack of POCs…

  2. TRF
    JANUARY 10, 2022 AT 9:38 AM
    “^^ and you can also reach Democrats with hand puppets.”

    …you could TRY, but I’m guessing that, being the perverts and child molesters that they are, Democrats would masturbate with them ou use them to con children into doing so, probably at a “Drag Queen Story Hour”, so please, no puppets…

  3. Just remember to Recycle !
    JANUARY 10, 2022 AT 9:41 AM
    “The reason liberals publish books is solely to funnel illicit cash to the author and subject.”

    That IS true, but not entirely.

    “No sane person reads that shit.”
    …firstoff, they are not sane.
    Secondly, they may not READ them, may not know HOW to read thanks to Democrat schools, but they DO understand they can virtue signal with them.

    If you’re a lib that’s a “Social Media Influencer”, it will probably help your “cred” with The Party if you have some Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama books behind you, maybe set off with an original Hunter Biden spit painting if you’re a RICH liberal.

    Also, I recall a line from “I, Claudius” that kind of signals the OTHER kind of signaling it represents as we descend into tyranny.

    In his old age, Tiberius Caesar became quite dissolute and hedonistic, more concerned with pornography and molesting very young girls than affairs of State (sound familiar?), so he passed most responsibility for maintaing order and prosecting “Treason Trials” on his most trusted adviser, Lucius Aelius Sejanus, who used it to brutally surpress his political enemies and try to put himself on the throne, even forcing Claudius to marry his sister to connect himself with the Imperial Family.

    …the scene in question was when he and Herod Agrippa were in a city market and saw many small busts of Sejanus for sale. Claudius didn’t understand why there were more of them than of the Emperor Himself, and commented his amazement that “everyone’s buying them”.

    To which Herod looked at him darkly and said, “Everyone BETTER”.

    …Meaning that NOT buying one and NOT having one in your house could be taken as a signal of defiance, and the NEXT treason trial could be YOURS…

  4. Say what you will, I’d let Greta crush all the beer cans in my garage.

    Somebodies got to do it as the barrels are filling while I wait for the price of Al to bounce back.

  5. Fuck You Greta is a child actress (check IMDB) raised by far-left activist parents. She is a meatpuppet and her parents are the puppetmasters. If Fuck You Greta ever had an Original Thought and a cold drink of water at the same time, it would kill her dead.

    Anyone falling for her line of bullshit is dumber than a Dumb Swede.


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