Remote Antarctic Station Where Everyone Has Been Vaccinated Has COVID Outbreak – IOTW Report

Remote Antarctic Station Where Everyone Has Been Vaccinated Has COVID Outbreak

Blue State Conservative: I’m waiting for the number of kids with COVID to skyrocket as the numbers Jabbed increase, making them more susceptible to the virus to which they were once more naturally immune. Until then, we’ve got this story.

The IPF said that the first positive test was recorded on the 15 December, among a team that had arrived a few days earlier from Cape Town in South Africa. more here

16 Comments on Remote Antarctic Station Where Everyone Has Been Vaccinated Has COVID Outbreak

  1. “I’m waiting for the number of kids with COVID to skyrocket as the numbers Jabbed increase, making them more susceptible to the virus to which they were once more naturally immune.”

    Many children worldwide have already had COVID without they or their parent’s realizing it. When they get the jab, their chances of autoimmune reactions skyrocket.


  2. Science indicates taking the Jab makes you more susceptible to the COVID Virus, its variants and side affects.

    More Jab Mandates will further accomplish the goals of the GREAT RESET (totalitarian one-world government).

  3. Just imagine had Trump won what the Left would be saying about the shot? But Biden/Harris own it now so ignore your lying eyes and get ready for round 4 & 5 shots.

    The Dems are going to milk the next variant to mandate nationwide mail out ballots for the election 297 days from now. I predict never before seen gains in both The House & Senate for the Democrats. Stalin himself would be proud of the brazenness of what we will see. I could be wrong. I want to be wrong.


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