A Republican-created medical monopoly in East Tennessee – IOTW Report

A Republican-created medical monopoly in East Tennessee

Tennessee Stands: Republicans are supposed to be for a free and fair market – for capitalism, an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state, where competition and who is successful, is regulated and decided by consumers.

But some Republicans in Tennessee walked away from this party principle by allowing a government-regulated, socialist answer to the problems of two failing healthcare systems.

Why would Republicans choose a government-regulated, socialist answer?

They suggested it was the only option. But it wasn’t. Nor was it an option Republicans should have sought.

Allowing for a larger healthcare system to try and fix the woes of a smaller healthcare system is akin to proposing larger government is the answer to the woes of a failing government.

State Sen. Rusty Crowe, R-Johnson City, sponsored legislation making a COPA (Certificate of Public Advantage) possible, paving the way for a healthcare monopoly and the largest COPA-governed merger in the country.

Crowe served as a paid consultant to Mountain States Health Alliance when he brought the legislation. He remains a paid consultant to Ballad Health today. Crowe recently announced he would be seeking re-election. more here

10 Comments on A Republican-created medical monopoly in East Tennessee

  1. All hospitals and health care providers became socialized with Obamacare, but don’t worry because Republicans are super serious and will repeal Obamacare for sure when they get back into power this time.

  2. Look, people. You are just going to have to come to terms with the fact that the Republican party has been captured the same way that the Democrat party has been captured by globalist multinational corporation‘s. This is not conspiracy theory this is a fact. The sooner you come to terms with it the sooner we can start focusing on the real enemy. Resist or die.

  3. Bush has no morals; so bush Republicans have no morals. They lie lal the time. Ronny was pro capitalism; GWB hates Ronny; so his men in Tenn are Marxist- Karl is actually in TX!

    Disingenuous was how i described bush Republicans earlier. Degenerate also works with Bush Republicans! Bet “Ol Rusty” is GWB’s BFF.

  4. To hear them tell it:
    “Republicans are supposed to be for a free and fair market – for capitalism, an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state, where competition and who is successful, is regulated and decided by consumers.”

    My experience is that works much better in theory than in practice. In fact if there is any evidence of them actually acting as though they believe what they claim to be it is a well kept secret.

  5. @BUBBA January 11, 2022 at 11:59 am

    > This is an arguement for a 3rd party and the elimination of Repubicon party.


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