Jim Jordan releases damning Fauci emails – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan releases damning Fauci emails

You can get the link to them HERE

21 Comments on Jim Jordan releases damning Fauci emails

  1. Jethro
    JANUARY 11, 2022 AT 12:32 PM
    “I bet the term “fauci” means “lying, immoral piece of shit” in the native country his ancestors came from.”

    I didn’t know hell was a country!

    …learn something new every day…

  2. Jethro
    JANUARY 11, 2022 AT 12:57 PM
    I’m not sure that’s where he came from but I’m certain that’s where he’s going.”

    …he may not be the devil’s child, but he sure as hell went to school with him…

  3. Can you just imagine Fauci’s fate once the repuglicans regain control? I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes. Why they just might bring him before congress and ask him some questions.

  4. nunyo bidness
    JANUARY 11, 2022 AT 1:07 PM
    “fauci should be eaten alive by sand fleas & don’t forget to cut out his tongue so we don’t have to hear him cry”

    I know it’s poetic justice and all, but I like the medieval rat box for him. Couldn’t find a picture of the version I saw where you put a person supine in a box with gates at various points (ankles, knees, hips, neck) and let the hungry rats in to eat their way up in stages, but THIS version has merit as well…


    …but I’d leave him his tounge. I want to hear him curse God and die, because I know that’s what he’ll do. That way, you can be SURE he went where he needs to go, since his type NEVER asks forgiveness because they think, being gods themselves, they can do no wrong…

    …but of it really bothers you, jam an ET tube in his throat with a stylet and connect it to a garage air compresor. Depending on which hole you intubated, youll blow out his lungs or his stomach. Just like his poorly trained acolytes do in the hospitals to the trusting peasants.

    …THAT’S some “poetic justice” THERE…

  5. He’s an attention whore.
    He’s ticked off cuz it’s coming to an end.
    He belongs in prison after a very public trial where all the evidence against him can be shown and he can’t talk back.

  6. “…but I’d leave him his tounge. I want to hear him curse God and die, because I know that’s what he’ll do. That way, you can be SURE he went where he needs to go, since his type NEVER asks forgiveness because they think, being gods themselves, they can do no wrong…”


    @ SNS

    Nah. Last moment cussing of God won’t snatch anyone out of Jesus’ hand.

    Jesus said so. NO ONE can snatch a saved person out of His hand – IF they are actually saved. Not even yourself.

    Any program writer would know the direct path to the result you want is to extinguish his life immediately. He’s either saved already or not. His last moment, and comments, don’t matter unless he came to Jesus in it if he wasn’t saved already.

    You know this.


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