Biden administration authorizes federal agencies to keep employee vaccination database – IOTW Report

Biden administration authorizes federal agencies to keep employee vaccination database

PM: Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal employees requires the creation of a vaccine database. After the issuance of the vaccine mandate for federal employees, which was then tasked to the Occupational Safety and Health Association, guidance was issued stating that agencies keep records of employees’ vaccination status.

A federal agency in Washington, DC, has announced their intention to create a database of those who have refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19 for religious reasons. This despite the fact that the Biden administration has clearly stated that there would be no vaccine database. more here

9 Comments on Biden administration authorizes federal agencies to keep employee vaccination database

  1. This is GREAT News
    The more dead Federal Employees the better off the Public…………
    Keep up the Good Work F Joe B, Expand this to all Obama Judges and Soros DA’s
    Praise the Lord and save your ammunition.

  2. Has anybody else noticed the fact that since early last fall when the husk gives a “speech”, he seems angrier each time? That travesty in Georgia yesterday was Biden completely off the rails & over the cliff. He’s crazier than a shithouse rat at this point.

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