Hot mic catches judge ripping Bill Cosby’s prestigious former atty: ‘Imagine waking up next to her every day? Oh my God’ – IOTW Report

Hot mic catches judge ripping Bill Cosby’s prestigious former atty: ‘Imagine waking up next to her every day? Oh my God’

Chicago Cook County Circuit Court Judge William Raines was caught on a hot mic during a livestream on Tuesday insulting a high-profile civil rights attorney named Jennifer Bonjean, who previously defended Bill Cosby, calling her performance in court “nuts” and “insane.”

The disparaging remarks were made as the judge chatted with two prosecutors and a public defender but they got a much wider audience because, unknown to him, his mic was still on.

“Did you see her going nuts?! Glasses off, fingers through her hair, the phone’s going all over the place, it’s insane,” Raines stated concerning Bonjean’s appearance in court defending her client.

“That was so entertaining,” Assistant State Attorney Susie Bucaro commented.

“It was entertaining for me,” the judge quipped. Later he mocked, “Can you imagine waking up next to her every day? Oh my God.” more here

11 Comments on Hot mic catches judge ripping Bill Cosby’s prestigious former atty: ‘Imagine waking up next to her every day? Oh my God’

  1. Tempest in a teapot.
    Doctors do it. Lawyers do it. Plumbers do it. Electricians do it. Wall Street maggots do it. Politicians do it. Crooks do it. Judges do it. Preachers do it. Nurses do it.
    We all say shit within the confines of our little groups that we wouldn’t say knowing that a microphone was around.
    Can’t blame Jennifer Bonjean for trying to capitalize on it, though, she’s obviously an amoral ambitious opportunist who’s breathing a sigh of relief that SHE wasn’t caught on an hot mike.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. (tap tap tap) “Is this on?”

    “Oh, good. She’s nuts! What a beotch!”

    “Your mic is on, judge.”

    “Oh, crap!”

    (It’s always best to be unprofessional away from the mic and/or camera.)

  3. “We all say shit within the confines of our little groups that we wouldn’t say knowing that a microphone was around.”

    One holiday get together everybody was sitting there with “the look” on their faces and my brother said the only thing that needed to be said: knock off all of the pretense and bullshit, Dan says what all of you were thinking and are afraid to say.


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