Report: Convicted Pedophile Funneled Millions In Foreign Cash Into Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign – IOTW Report

Report: Convicted Pedophile Funneled Millions In Foreign Cash Into Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign

Zero Hedge: Convicted pedophile, UAE adviser and central witness in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, George Nader, has pleaded guilty to his role in helping the UAE funnel millions of dollars in illegal campaign contributions into US campaigns during the 2016 presidential election, according to The Intercept, citing federal court documents filed last month.

In a December sentencing memo, federal prosecutors disclosed that Nader had agreed months early to plead guilty to a single count of felony conspiracy to defraud the US government by pumping millions in donations to Hillary Clinton’s campaign – concealing the foreign origin of the funds. more here

12 Comments on Report: Convicted Pedophile Funneled Millions In Foreign Cash Into Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign

  1. Change her name to Trump and she’d be investigated.
    Boy. Talk about someone who should have been in prison years ago.
    Bill would be happy. He should turn state’s evidence.

  2. In a sane world, this would land in that cauldron of kaka labelled “Election Fraud”.
    But we cannot see any signs of massive election fraud! (because we are only to look in one direction- hint: think orange man)

  3. Meanwhile, it has been reported she is going to throw her hat back in the ring if “he” does. Soros, the cabal, Billy boy, I miss all the excitement, plus will get another chance to see if Killary lives up to her namesake.


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