Missouri: Soros-backed prosecutor ordered to turn over concealed records to Just the News – IOTW Report

Missouri: Soros-backed prosecutor ordered to turn over concealed records to Just the News

Documents concern St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner’s alleged misconduct in botched prosecution of ex-Missouri governor.

Just The News: The Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District, ruled Tuesday that St. Louis’ top prosecutor must hand over records concerning her bungled prosecution of former Gov. Eric Greitens to Just the News CEO and Editor in Chief John Solomon, who filed an open-records request for the documents.

Judge Christopher McGraugh ordered the office of St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner, one of the nation’s first prosecutors bankrolled by liberal megadonor George Soros, to produce every document requested by Solomon.

Gardner’s office must also pay Solomon’s attorney’s fees. Solomon was represented by the public interest law firm the Southeastern Legal Foundation   MORE

7 Comments on Missouri: Soros-backed prosecutor ordered to turn over concealed records to Just the News

  1. “Last year, Missouri’s chief legal disciplinary officer accused Gardner of rampant misconduct in her prosecution of Greitens, saying she lied to judges in court filings and testimony, withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense, misled her own prosecution team, and violated the constitutional right to a fair trial.

    In a 73-page memo, Chief Disciplinary Counsel Alan Pratzel alleged Gardner engaged in 62 acts of misconduct that resulted in 79 false representations during her prosecution of Greitens.”

    …in other words, she’s a Democrat doing what Democrats do…

  2. There isn’t a single black democrat politician anywhere who isn’t a filthy, lying, corrupt piece of shit, period. And the only reason they’re still around is that they fuck over black people more than anyone else, and most black people are so goddamned racist that all you need to do to get their vote is to be black and say you hate white people. As a group, a complete pack of fucking morons to the last.

  3. Demonrats long ago neutered black freedom and independence,the vast majority of blacks voted republican between WW2 and 1960, it was LBJ who said they would be Democrat for the next hundred years after he set up the mechanism to destroy the black nuclear family, black education, and black employment. Since blacks had centralized their populations in the inner city he flooded these cities with narcotics, He reward out of wedlock pregnancies and destroyed black fatherhood, work, and rewarded sloth through welfare,

    Blacks reinslaved themselves and put themselves willingly into bandage and back on the plantation under Demonrat rule since 1960. They destroyed themselves but the percentage that has been redpilled is increasing to the point where the Demonrats are now replacing them with imported voters,

    Blacks in the urban core produce these imbeciles and vote them back in relentlessly. Every state is plagued with huge populations of black idiots who rip at the fabric of society while draining each state of resources and vitality.

    Any black who is still a Democrat is an irredeemable moron and slave. Every once in a while they get caught like Gardner and Mosby, but 99,9 % like Watters, Jackson Lee, and Bush will be reelected forever because blacks are the most racist and bigoted voting block in America.

  4. Here’s a clue anonymouse. The Lord God Almighty directs us to love our neighbor but no where in the good book in either testament does it require we love Satan.

    Your sympathy to Satan is obvious, the Demonrat party’s most devoted value is the murder of innocent humans in the womb all the way to the moment of birth.

    Get back to me about love when you reconcile your worship of infant murder you hypocritical bastard.

    The souls of millions of screaming dead babies is the hill you stand on.

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