New Hampshire bill would make ivermectin available for COVID without a prescription – IOTW Report

New Hampshire bill would make ivermectin available for COVID without a prescription

‘This is a cheap drug. It’s exceedingly safe. It’s exceedingly effective, and patients should be offered the right to use this drug,’ Dr. Paul Marik testified before New Hampshire lawmakers.


CONCORD, New Hampshire (LifeSiteNews) – A newly-proposed bill in New Hampshire would make the state the first in the nation to approve ivermectin as an over-the-counter treatment for COVID-19.

HB 1022, introduced by Republican state Rep. Leah Cushman, permits pharmacists across New Hampshire to dispense the medication with a standing order. Ivermectin, a renowned anti-parasitic drug with anti-viral properties that data shows can effectively treat coronavirus, currently requires a doctor’s prescription for COVID-19.

Making the drug more widely available would save lives, Cushman, a registered nurse, told The Epoch Times. “I have absolutely no doubt lives will be saved if human grade Ivermectin was available to COVID patients,” she said.

The representative added that she expects her bill, which has seven other GOP co-sponsors, to clear the New Hampshire Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs Committee and pass the lower chamber. Republicans control both the state House and Senate. The bill would take effect 60 days after passage.

New Hampshire lawmakers previously supported a bill to ban COVID vaccine mandates and passports by government entities, which Republican Gov. Chris Sununu signed into law in July 2021. Other legislation advancing in the statehouse would prohibit private businesses from enforcing vaccination requirements. MORE

27 Comments on New Hampshire bill would make ivermectin available for COVID without a prescription

  1. Some other good news somewhat related to this… Medical professionals who were “let go” for not getting the jab are starting their own “Healing Centers” and prescribing Ivermectin to patients who request consultation. They are even accepting insurance. The word is getting out. Some Pharmacists are joining in the cause and mixing the prescription manually.

    Let’s Go Brandon / Fuck Joe Biden

  2. The veterinary versions are already over the counter. I got a large bottle of the injectable version (which I take orally) from Tractor Supply. I ordered it online and picked it up at my local store a few days later.

    That aside, it’s good that the NH’s Cushman is trying to get the pharmaceutical grade ivermectin readily available.

  3. @Brown Eyed Girl — It depends on body weight, but fairly simple. I weight 250, and I take 2.5 cc of the injectable solution every two weeks as a preventive measure (among others).

    Different doctors have different recommendations, and the use of ivermectin for treating an active Wuhan flu case is quite different from prophylaxis.

    Here’s one good resource:

  4. That was on Amazon, and fleabay… and all the horse and goat stores. You can’t OD unless you are not paying proper attention.

    I know there is confusion with CCs and mcgs. And kgs and pounds. Do the math. Do it twice. Do it three times.

    In the end you end up with the proper dose whether it be CC, mcg, kg, or pounds. (I have not seen any in stone, yet, LOL!)

  5. It’s panic time for big pharma and all of their politician/bureaucrat minions. Something else that I think will happen if Ivermectin becomes O.T.C, is that people will discover that it is effective against the yearly influenza. I read a story not long ago that there is one country (I believe it was Brazil) where Ivermectin has been O.T.C. for a long time now, and the people there have been using it to treat the flu as long as it has been available.

  6. “Frank Bass JANUARY 29, 2022 AT 1:05 AM
    The horse paste comes in dispensers clearly calibrated in 250 lb. increments.”

    Each of those 250 lb calibration marks has 5 notches between them. It is 50 lbs per notch. Pretty easy to get it right for your own weight.

  7. #Dad, Frank etc
    The horse paste is the way to go if you can’t get the human form (Stromectol).
    The plunger has graduations for 50 lbs of weight and also has a printed graduation for 250 lbs.
    This dosage is adequate for preventative care (prophylactic) and is taken as follows.
    1 dose for your weight on day one, 1 dose on day three, and one dose on day six, and one dose once a week until risk is past, always on a full stomach.
    Always combine with 50 mg elemental zinc (check the label to get this info as there are different forms of zinc with much less elemental zinc) per day, which for older people, should be taken, even without covid risk.
    Don’t worry about getting the dosing exactly right as it is a very forgiving drug.
    You’re better off taking a little extra to get the right effects.
    For early (5 days or less) intervention if you become infected, double the amount and take once a day for 5 days straight. Same amount of zinc.
    If infected for 5 days or more before treatment, triple the amount for 5 days.
    Make sure the horse paste has no other compounds for other animal maladies.
    Only use the one that has 1.87% IVM.
    IVM’s safety profile is such that you have a better chance of overdosing on OTC vitamins.
    Of course, if one was to be immersed in a vat of IVM, death would follow due to drowning.
    I did the prophylactic protocol way back in Dec 2020 just to see what would happen and had no bad effects.
    Fast forward to Sept 2021 and, due to knowing we had been exposed, and with symptoms of infection, we started the Ziverdo Kit which was all that was available at the time.
    Five days later we were over it, and both of us didn’t stop working. We both are self-employed, she, working at home, and me in a small shop with no traffic.
    Keep checking in with Front Line Covid Docs for updates to the protocols for different variants that come along, and be assured, there WILL be new variants.
    Some weaker, and sadly, some stronger.

  8. @Old Coot

    Ivermectin in combo with zinc may be the solution for ALL viral diseases. Because not only does it kill viruses, it acts as a fuel injector to get zinc into the cells. Zinc prevents viruses from using the cells DNA to replicate itself .. so you have less virus to deal with in the first place. Thats why early treatment is so important. The problem grows exponentially the more you delay. And if this logic is correct, you can stop any virus if you act fast enough

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