Let’s Go Brandeau! – IOTW Report

Let’s Go Brandeau!

The memes…. 😂😂😂

15 Comments on Let’s Go Brandeau!

  1. It only took two Trudeaus to completely destroy the Canada that once was one of the greatest democracies on earth. Why do Liberals always hate what made their countries great?

  2. The problem with politicians is that they think they are actors.
    They’re not!

    The problem actors is that they think they are smart.
    They’re not!

    That’s why they are crooks and hypocrites!

  3. Successful politicians ARE actors.
    Always playing a part – they have no personality or character of their own – just following a script.
    They go into politics to enrich themselves, their families, their sycophants, and, more importantly, their high-dollar doners.
    They seem to lean towards socialism because they know, both instinctively and through their educations, that socialism allows the greatest accrual of ill-gotten wealth than any other system or philosophy – it’s a complete scam – from beginning to end. If the people they’re stealing from are afflicted with the socialist neuroses, they’ll never complain that they’re being expropriated – in fact, they’ll gladly get in the oven.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. SNS January 31, 2022 at 8:05 am

    Mike Pence protecting a fascist dictatorship AGAIN, he do love him some Nazis…

    Fucking Pence.

    Trump used his intuition again when he selected Mike Pence for his running mate, did Trump pick wrong? Every President makes mistakes, some more than others.

  5. Goldenfoxx
    JANUARY 31, 2022 AT 10:15 AM

    …Pence was forced on him by the GOP-E to keep an eye on him for them, and had he not accepted, they would have not supported him at ALL, and probably told people to vote Hillary to boot.

  6. Goldenfoxx
    JANUARY 31, 2022 AT 10:15 AM

    …but yes, he did a terrible job picking people, especially for AG.

    And keeping Fachi was VERY stupid, but by the time the impact of THAT became obvious, it was politically too late to do anything about it…

  7. @Marco January 31, 2022 at 8:42 am

    Not the thread to belabor with facts, but…

    > Why do Liberals always hate what made their countries great?

    Why do We’re Not The Bolsheviks Communists Progressives Liberals Progressives Communists Bolsheviks, always love what made their countries Bolshevik Communist Progressive Liberal Progressive Communist Bolshevik?


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