The good news is that at least two famous people in entertainment have principles – IOTW Report

The good news is that at least two famous people in entertainment have principles

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

In Hollywood’s Golden Days, the studios kept an incredibly tight lid on their stars. Many of them were deeply damaged, weird, poorly educated, and not at all nice people, but the studios made sure that the public saw them as glowing, all-American, pure, and good people. When the studio system broke down, we suddenly learned that the people who looked so good on the screen were anything but admirable off the screen. However, since these same people have an enormous say in American culture, I wanted to share a few nice stories about two stars.

The first star is Keanu Reeves, who is my one Hollywood passion. (I really liked to mess with my kids when they were teens by sighing over him. Their disgust was amusing.) Every story about Reeves shows a nice guy who’s managed to maintain his values. Just recently, yet another story emerged showing that Reeves has a decency that other Hollywood people utterly lack.

It turns out that, while 99.999% of Hollywood people will bow down very low to China despite its terrible human rights abuses, Keanu won’t. In a Just The News article about most of Hollywood being completely copacetic with China drastically altering the ending to 1999’s Fight Club, Keanu is one of the few whose principles keep him from yielding to China’s demands: more

9 Comments on The good news is that at least two famous people in entertainment have principles

  1. I think for the most part Hollyweird has been filled for decades and only small percentages weren’t weird.

    When I was young one of my favorite shows was the Waltons. Recently I was watching it again. One thing watching it as an adult I learned they had a lot of pushing leftist think, some was subtle other not so subtle, such as Verdi on the show always talking about my people, FDR was good to her people. Everyone but Grandma loved him and his new deal.
    I was curious about if all of the kid actors were still alive, so looked it up and discovered that Will Geer who played Grandpa was a queer and then a communist and supposedly quit being queer because commies hated queers.
    Ellen Corby who played Grandma was also queer and lived with a woman for 45 years.
    Michael Learned who played Olivia was a drunk. So was Ralph Waite who played John, although he went to AA and got sober.

    The good thing though is back then they tried to keep that shit a secret and didn’t have to throw it in your face. But it’s always been a den for drunks, queers, rapists and child molesters.


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