Nancy Pelo-xi – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelo-xi

She had a message for the Olympic athletes competing in China.

10 Comments on Nancy Pelo-xi

  1. Saw this yesterday and about blew a gasket.
    This bitch should be eating rice in a frickin’ camp for treasonous assholes and how about the US athletes who are going to go for gold for China and not the US?

  2. “I fear for their safety” – sure Nancy. If you really were afraid for them and cared, why did you even allow them to go?

    You try to control everything we all do, yet you allow the athletes to go to one of the most regressive and controlling countries in the world.

    Don’t even get me started by saying “we are a free country that allows its citizens to do …”

  3. You can raise a fist or take a knee when the American National Anthem is playing because we are evil and will let you do it, but do not say anything against Xi and China because they are great. Irony anyone?


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