Tulsi Gabbard speaks to Hannity about free speech – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gabbard speaks to Hannity about free speech


The power elite playbook: discredit and censor anyone who challenges their propaganda. Why? They know their propaganda won’t hold up to scrutiny. This is about freedom. We must take a stand to protect free speech and expression without threat of punishment or cancellation.

Watch her appearance on Hannity.
h/t Brad.

19 Comments on Tulsi Gabbard speaks to Hannity about free speech

  1. If what you believe is diametrically opposite of the party that you align yourself with, why give that party social capital with your presence?

    The Democratic Party is the party of intolerance, cancel-culture, trigger-warnings, safe spaces, “cry” rooms on campus, and the proven enemy of free speech. If you say you support free speech, open dialogue, and a robust exchange of ideas, get your own house in order with your way of thinking. Either that or just say,”Fuck You very much, it’s been fun but I’m now getting off the crazy train”.

  2. Interesting what some people see when they view this. I see a prominent Democrat with a shit ton of followers exposing the current regimes efforts to destroy our freedoms and the Constitution. I say we need as much of this as we can get.

  3. “I see a prominent Democrat with a shit ton of followers exposing the current regimes efforts to destroy our freedoms and the Constitution.”

    I see a grifter who to this day has not renounced any of her crazy leftist stances on abortion, universal healthcare, fracking, slurping Bernie Sanders, assault-weapons ban, free college (even for illegals), or her “present” vote on impeachment where she proudly said, “I could not in good conscience vote against impeachment because I believe President Trump is guilty of wrongdoing,”

    If she has really had her “Come to Jesus” moment and has seen the error of her ways, she should not pick free speech as her point of the spear, everybody wants free speech, say something about the border, inflation, the national debt, government paying folks not to work, or even connect the dots linking lib policies with out of control rampant crime in our big cities. She mentions any of these and I will get on board her bandwagon.

  4. Tulsi – you are a democrat. If you truly believed in free speech, you would become independent. I did not say republican because that organization is just as bad as the dems.

  5. Tulsi, how are you an ally of the democrat party? She has little credibility until she ditches the party and becomes an independent.

    She’d be crazy to join the shithole of the GOP.

  6. rich taylor

    I pulled that video from her Instagram account where she has 600K followers. She has 1.2 mil followers on twitter. She’s anti woke, big time. You should try and find the Dem Presidential debates during the primaries and decide if you still think she a grifter cause you be wrong. Her content is all about Free Speech and our Constitutional Rights. And I’ll bet 3.5 million followers, including Face Book are in total agreement with her. The majority of the registered Democrats that aren’t digging what they’re seeing. They won’t be voting for anybody that runs with a D behind their name unless she endorses them. She’s like our own little wrecking ball. Do I think she should switch party affiliation. Nope. At heart she’s a big gov big social program lib. Would she defend the 2nd Amendment. I’m not sure. Will she support Trump. Highly doubt it. If she can move a bunch if Libs to the middle, more power to her and shit I’d help anyway I could. I think she legit.

  7. Brad

    Whether she can move more libs to the center has yet to be determined. You can’t value anything said in presidential debates, the idea behind these is to separate yourself from everybody else on stage.

    Clamoring about free speech on SM is not going to help us. You say she has many followers, OK, what is she telling these followers? Is she is denigrating dem policies beyond free speech? Anything on the border, reckless spending, or crime?

  8. Rich

    I’m not sure how you can pass judgement when you don’t know anything about her? Surely what she has to say in the video has to at least move the needle a tad bit in the positive side.

  9. ” I need to see her next move first.”

    That’s the problem with you old farts. You missed her previous 500 moves. You are ill informed. I’ve been banned from Twatter, for life. Because apparently I’m an asshole. No feaken way I’d do Facebook. Instagram is not bad. If you desire to keep informed with some of the shakers and movers, not a bad platform. I’d gladly send you some peeps to keep an eye on. Carl Higbie to start with. Instagram is really fast. Hit and run. Very little time for serious censorship.


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