Was Hillary Clinton Paying Michael Avenatti? – IOTW Report

Was Hillary Clinton Paying Michael Avenatti?

American Greatness:
By Mark Judge
Did Hillary Clinton or the Democratic National Committee ever pay Michael Avenatti?

The question isn’t exactly new. It was at least hinted at as early as May 10, 2018. That day, Mark Penn, a former advisor to President Bill Clinton, published an op-ed in The Hill newspaper. At the time, the news was filled with the rantings of Avenatti, who gained his fame and notoriety representing former porn star Stormy Daniels. Daniels was claiming she was paid to cover up an affair with Donald Trump before he was elected president.

Penn’s column raised several good questions. They have become even more relevant now that Avenatti, on trial for allegedly stealing money from Daniels, is back in the news. 

SNIP: Disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti found guilty

Penn asked:

So exactly who is paying Michael Avenatti? And is he a lawyer, an opposition researcher, a journalist, or a campaign operative?

He wants to make the discussion all about where Michael Cohen, President Trump’s personal attorney, got his money but, to have clean hands, Avenatti needs to come forward with exactly who is financing his operation, who his sources were for detailed banking information, and whether he really is an attorney solely representing Stormy Daniels or just using her as cover to wage a political operation.

From the beginning, this has been fishy. Daniels’s previous lawyer advised her to stick to her agreements. In contrast, Avenatti okayed her violating with impunity her non-disclosure agreement on ‘60 Minutes’ despite a binding arbitration judgment against her. She acknowledged on Twitter that she is not paying for her lawyer. So who is? And did he indemnify her against all multimillion-dollar penalties?

Finally, Penn ended with this haymaker: more

14 Comments on Was Hillary Clinton Paying Michael Avenatti?

  1. The Clintons didn’t to pay Avenatti. He was egotistical and narcisstic enough to do this all on his own on his own dime. Besides, by this time there was nothing in it for the Clintons.

  2. The Creepy Porn Lawyer should have been disbarred and imprisoned for bringing forward the congenital liar and hysterical slanderer Julie Swetnik, whose account of being drugged and gang raped by Brett Kavanaugh and his friends was easily disproven. Nothing happened to him until he was no longer useful to the Dementiacrats and their Propagandists. He really does represent everything wrong with the Trump haters and the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media. Long may he rot in prison.

  3. He lost. I’m gonna guess, since he fired or his lawyer quit & he did not hire a new one, who paid his legal expenses, no one. Hillary give me a break, absolutely not. Why would the Clintons. Next question, who cares. Not news worthy at all.

  4. Anonymous: As usual, you did not read the article. The article speculated that the Clintons paid Avinati to represent Sloppy Daniels, in order to sabotage Trump’s 2020 campaign, NOT that the Clintons paid for Avinati’s lawyer.
    Why would Hillary want to sabotage Trump in 2020? Do you even need to ask? Hillary from 2016 until today still claims she was robbed. Revenge is the motive.

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