In Australia – IOTW Report

In Australia

They keep fighting. Never Quit!

7 Comments on In Australia

  1. White people (except antifa) protest so politely. Ausies need to step up the game.
    Surround some government buildings with all those people and don’t leave. Make some noise, drums, horns, loud speakers, whistles… non stop. Irritate the shit out of those pols.

  2. I was struck by the different types of Aussie flags, a number of red background flags instead of the normal blue, I wonder if the contrast means anything.

    I also see a number of upside-down flags, not a fan of this practice. We need to send them some Gadsden flags, or they could come up with their own home-brewed with a similar sentiment.

    The yearning for freedom and preserving agency in their lives is universal, let’s make some noise.

  3. @Tony R

    Thanks for the link, informative.

    The author paints these protestors as fringe and racist. The “We Will Not Comply” movement extends way beyond the reach of any sovereign citizens in attendance.

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