Something Not Emphasized Enough – IOTW Report

Something Not Emphasized Enough

CTH: The Republican National Committee (RNC), and the Democrat National Committee (DNC), are private clubs.

The RNC and DNC are corporations, private businesses; and just like all private businesses, they have the ability to make rules, bylaws, terms and conditions of membership and association that are completely arbitrary according to their charter.

The RNC and DNC are not entities of government.  The RNC and DNC are not affiliates of government.  The RNC and DNC have absolutely no connection to government, other than their arbitrary business model for helping politicians enter and remain within government.

In fact, the RNC and DNC are simply private corporations who engage in the business of politics.  Whenever we start to forget the DNC and RNC are private corporations, we can slip into the mistaken belief that they operate on any form of baseline altruism. more

10 Comments on Something Not Emphasized Enough

  1. But we can vote our way out? Voting got us Bush I and II, Romney as our chosen one, and if they had cheated better Bush III.

    I already changed my affiliation to Independent(My choices are Republican, Democrat, Liberatarian or Independent) after the Republicans allowed a stolen election and hid under their chairs and desks. I’m still on the fence if I will ever vote again, when they choose who they want anyway.

  2. I was a member of the RNC. When they ran the worst campaign ever with McCain in 2008, I mailed them back my RNC identification, and told them never to bother me again. Any organization that ineffectual doesn’t deserve my money – or yours.

  3. @ Old Racist White Woman FEBRUARY 7, 2022 AT 10:52 AM
    “I already changed my affiliation to Independent(My choices are Republican, Democrat, Liberatarian or Independent) after the Republicans allowed a stolen election and hid under their chairs and desks. I’m still on the fence if I will ever vote again, when they choose who they want anyway.”

    After the Democrats stole the 2004 Washington Gubernatorial election in 2004, with the help of the boys from Bellevue & Kirkland who are still controlling the Washington State Republican Party a lot of formerly reliable voters did just that and opted out of participating.

  4. It would be best to continue to vote in all elections even with the understanding that they are not free or fair. Particularly, Washington state has a solid history over the past two decades of ‘finding’ necessary votes to put the chosen candidate into office.

    Declining to vote simply makes it easier for those in power to obtain the desired result. Although voting is obviously pointless in determining outcome, imagine the difficulty the tyrants would have in making an enormous vote against their chosen figurehead look legitimate. It is still important to them to have a veneer of legitimacy conferred by voting.

    If only one in ten people vote the tyrants have no trouble arranging the outcome. If ten in ten vote and nine in ten vote against their chosen figurehead the tyrants have an enormous difficulty arranging the selection to their satisfaction.

  5. And as such, they do NOT enjoy protections from lawsuits like politicians do. I’ve been saying for some time we need to class action them into oblivion over this plandemic

  6. “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it!”
    Philosopher George Carlin.

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