Comic passes out on stage, fractures her skull, just after joke about being triple vaxxed and boosted – IOTW Report

Comic passes out on stage, fractures her skull, just after joke about being triple vaxxed and boosted

Celebrity website TMZ which reported the news was told by eyewitnesses that McDonald fell to the floor after her jab at the unvaccinated, “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted … and flu shot and shingle shot and haven’t gotten COVID and Jesus loves me most,” she reportedly said in her second joke of the sold-out performance. more

31 Comments on Comic passes out on stage, fractures her skull, just after joke about being triple vaxxed and boosted

  1. It should be fun to see what excuses they come up with when comedians like Heather McDonald are dropping right on stage and fracturing their skulls in front of 20,000 people. I’m am confident they will think of something creative. This is getting interesting.

    — Dr. James E. Olsson (@DrJamesOlsson) February 7, 2022

  2. When I first hear this report I thought “Oh sure, it was part of the gag.” But if she fractured her skull then I have to give her credit for dedication to pulling off a joke.

  3. Chelsea Handlier (who was this chick’s mentor) ended up in the hospital this weekend as well. She had to cancel several of her shows. She is a huge pro vaxxer. Coincidence??

  4. I just read Proverbs 21, and the object lesson is to learn from the example of the foolish. Never dare to mock the Lord our God. I’m sorry she had to be reminded so forcefully. I do hope she makes the connection.

  5. ^^^If this was true in the least little bit your cult leader would of been delt with a long long time ago. Don’t worry you’ll time is coming & all is not forgiven, that is a myth.

  6. @Heil Burrtler –

    I think you’re probably on the right side of God and therefore safe with your Hitler jokes. Unless, of course, they are pro-Hitler. In which case I would be looking out for that proverbial lightening bolt.

  7. Anonymous FEBRUARY 7, 2022 AT 2:46 PM

    You truly do not know God. This is obvious by your own words, actions, and attitude.

    You saying what HE would do is the top example of how off-course you are in your life.

    You need all the prayers you can get from Christians here. Just like the rest of us.

  8. AA,

    When Ben Stein interviewed Richard Dawkins for his movie, “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”, I felt a need to pray for him. I still do. I will pray for him until one of us dies.

    I think about Saul, who persecuted the early Christians. He met Jesus and became such a strong Christian that he wrote many of the books of the New Testament.

    Only God knows…


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