‘Set Aside And Decertify’: AZ Rep. Mark Finchem Introduces Resolution That Disputes 2020 Election Results – IOTW Report

‘Set Aside And Decertify’: AZ Rep. Mark Finchem Introduces Resolution That Disputes 2020 Election Results

National File: Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem has introduced HCR 2033, which calls for the elections of Maricopa, Pima and Yuma Counties to be set aside and ultimately decertified based on “clear and convincing evidence that the elections in those counties were irredeemably compromised.”

“The circumstances surrounding these elections undermine voter confidence in the election system, moreover, they ultimately translate into doubts about election integrity,” Finchem said in a statement. Finchem — who is a candidate for Arizona Secretary of State — has been a staunch supporter of election integrity, namely the Maricopa County audit. read more

5 Comments on ‘Set Aside And Decertify’: AZ Rep. Mark Finchem Introduces Resolution That Disputes 2020 Election Results

  1. Democrats and RINOs don’t care about evidence, only results, and the results are exactly what they want.

    Automatic loss.

    Your bill goes nowhere and will be held up as further “proof” that “Teh Authorities” say there’s no election fraud because people who benefit from cheating are now in the majority.

    I don’t know you, AZ guy, but you may also be a McCainnenite who KNOWS this goes nowhere and are trying to get that exact result as well as pretend you care to get a few legitimate votes of your own.

    Thanks for playing tho.

    But we’re not getting out of this by voting.

    …see the history of EVERY TOTALITARIAN NATION EVER for further details.

  2. Democrats need to keep the public consciousness off of the 2020 election otherwise the less informed will learn about how it was the rigged. The Covid virus is losing impact so they will need to introduce a new distraction. If China and Russia don’t invade their neighbors then the Democrats will have to force some type of economic crisis on us to distract the dummy base vote.


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