Is China Using COVID Quarantines to Rig the Winter Olympics? – IOTW Report

Is China Using COVID Quarantines to Rig the Winter Olympics?

National File:

Olympic athletes are exposing the disturbing measures China is taking in an attempt to hold a “COVID-free” Olympics.

According to the UK Daily Mail, dozens of athletes said they had experienced inhumane conditions while in isolation due to positive COVID-19 tests.

Russian biathlete Valeria Vasnetsova said she was served an extremely small and unappealing meal three times a day for five days while she was in isolation. By the end, she said her “bones [were] sticking out,” the Daily Mail reported. Vasnetsova posted a picture of the unsavory meal she was provided to Instagram.

17 Comments on Is China Using COVID Quarantines to Rig the Winter Olympics?

  1. “she was repeatedly moved into and out of isolation due to conflicting results from the unreliable COVID-19 tests being used i̶n̶ C̶h̶i̶n̶a̶ *Everywhere for political control reasons*.”


  2. “… we think that China, for some reason, they won’t respect his human rights”

    …no shit, Sherlock.

    It’s kind of their BRAND.

    …people who love Communism really should learn something about it before jumping in bed with it, just sayin’..

  3. “No innocent person should be forced to endure the mental stress of indefinite isolation or the physical consequences of food deprivation.”

    …if someone would like to pass this on to Fauci,, that’d be GREAT…

  4. Olympic athletes are good at what they do, but when it comes to common sense, they have zilch of it. Jenner is a good example of this. I don’t really give two shits about any of them. They’ve been pampered all their life and now the SHTF and they melt down. The best example of this are those that defected to the commies so they could have a few days of comfort while their teammates each $hit. This aspect of it is entertainment only.

  5. ““I was sitting in the ambulance,” Maliszewska told the Daily Mail. “It was 3am. I was crying like crazy because I didn’t know what was going on. I did not feel safe at all.””

    …You’re an adult human being who made a conscious decision to go help a hostile totalitarian, genocidal regime that deliberately infected the ENTIRE PLANET randomly murdering MILLIONS and deliberately enabling the spread of Communism to kill millions MORE because you’re SO self-centered you think only of your own potential fame and blind yourself to even the fact they hate YOU as well.

    Either don’t DO it or man the fuck UP and take your lumps when it goes predictably wrong for you.

    Don’t come whining to the world that was attacked with bioweapons from China when you travel to support them only to be attacked by those same bioweapons as well…

  6. Goldenfoxx
    FEBRUARY 8, 2022 AT 9:14 AM
    “@SNS: …if someone would like to pass this on to Fauci,, that’d be GREAT…

    LOL! Fauci is the one who ordered it! He’s big buds with the commies.”

    …I know,I mean it would be nice if lefty athletes who don’t like it when THEY suffer for it would say the SAME THINGS to lefty POLITICIANS who are making EVERYONE suffer, is my point, but they won’t because Fachi is a fellow traveller serving the Party well and as ordered and they know it…

  7. This is on the IOC for allowing China to host the Olympics. China is asshoe. Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming. But, this is the same IOC who allows dudes pretending to be women to compete as women. So, I don’t think they are too concerned with fair play.

  8. “No innocent person should be forced to endure the mental stress of indefinite isolation or the physical consequences of food deprivation.”

    …amazing. it’s like a capsule description of things that every Communist government EVER does to seize and maintain power, and THIS guy is SURPRISED when it turns out Communist governments use those same tools to get whatever ELSE they want as well…


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