Researchers Advise CDC To Increase Intervals Between Vaccine Doses, Citing Heart Inflammation Concerns – IOTW Report

Researchers Advise CDC To Increase Intervals Between Vaccine Doses, Citing Heart Inflammation Concerns

National File – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are considering changing vaccine guidance to lengthen the time in between doses of COVID vaccines in order to cut down on risk of heart inflammation. More time between the first two doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines appears to reduce the risk of myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation seen in some after getting an mRNA vaccine, researchers told the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

The proposed changes would apply to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, both of which use mRNA technology. Under the current guidelines, the two Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine doses are given three weeks apart, while the two COVID-19 vaccine doses from Moderna are administered four weeks apart. An increase in reports of myocarditis — particularly among between the ages of 18 and 39 – following a COVID-19 vaccination prompted researchers to look at the interval between doses. The information was presented to the committee by Dr. Nicola Klein, a vaccine researcher at Kaiser Permanente Northern California,  in a presentation on Friday. more

20 Comments on Researchers Advise CDC To Increase Intervals Between Vaccine Doses, Citing Heart Inflammation Concerns

  1. Better idea; don’t poison yourself with useless fake faxxines in the first place.

    You don’t lose any protection since it doesn’t give any,

    And it’s 100% effective at preventing “vax” injuries COMPLETELY.

    …you’re welcome.

  2. How about fucking never?

    But for the vaxoidiots, I recommend staying current on their boosters. In fact p/u a few free orders of fries or whatevs and get a couple extras. Can’t be too vaxxed, canya?

  3. I’m confused, perplexed, concerned, worried, suspicious, upset, and angry.

    Basically, I’m mad as Hell, and I’m not going take another goddamned dose of the mystery vaccine until the monkeys say it’s OK.

  4. if you said this 4 months ago, you would be banned for life from Twitter Facebook and Instagram.

    When are the Rino Republicans going to seek charges against the libtards doing all this commie shit??/

  5. I sure am seeing a lot of stories & articles about all of the ways people are now getting heart attacks. “climate change”, shoveling snow, work stress, stubbing your toe…but cha know what? Nothing about the vax.

  6. The VaChina Syndrome:
    Storyline –
    While doing a series of reports on Globull Warming, a conservative reporter uncovers accounts of an accident at a Wuhan, China bio weapons plant. The reporter is determined to report the incident but soon finds them self entangled in a sinister conspiracy to keep the full impact of the incident a secret.
    When the story was released on 16 March 2020, Big Pharma executives and media boot lickers soon lambasted the picture as being “sheer fiction” and a “character assassination of an entire industry”. But now, two years later, numerous investigations have revealed the extensive coverup now known as The VaChina Syndrome.

  7. So, two years in… Where is the true (sanitizing, whole virus based) vax?

    This mRNA is a poor substitute for real medical science. I last heard the 2-jab shots we’re likely to kill 117 youths for every one (1) it might save.


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