Quebec Liberal MP Speaks Out Against Stupidity of PM Justin Trudeau Position on COVID Mandates, Immediately Removed From Position – IOTW Report

Quebec Liberal MP Speaks Out Against Stupidity of PM Justin Trudeau Position on COVID Mandates, Immediately Removed From Position


Liberal MP Joël Lightbound lightly criticized some of the stances of Canadian Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday.  Within hours, the peer and party pressure upon him led to his removal from his position as Chairman of the Quebec caucus.

Lightbound encouraged the Trudeau government to provide targets to lifting restrictions; he was not implying that public health measures should be lifted immediately. He also committed the cardinal sin against COVID by asking for epidemiological data behind restrictions to be published, so people can see the information determining what measures need to be in place.

Transparency is against the interests of those within the government who weaponize covid fear.  The Liberal MP also spoke about the ongoing anti-mandate protests that started as a response to cross-border vaccine mandates, saying that messaging amid the demonstrations is dividing Canadians.  WATCH:

12 Comments on Quebec Liberal MP Speaks Out Against Stupidity of PM Justin Trudeau Position on COVID Mandates, Immediately Removed From Position

  1. Big Deal.

    He sees the tide turning and is trying to save his own ass.
    Most of Quebec was in favour of the actual Curfew, never mind the lockdowns.

    I’m more interested that Turdeau’s Half brother Kyle Kemper moved to the United States & has spoken out actively against Turdeau, Gates, Big pharma, & Globalism.

    That is a hell of a real story.

  2. I’ve noticed the somewhat recent increase in Dem agents playing their games here.

    Just like every election year. It’s just another job working for Satan.

    Won’t see them so much after Nov 8 unless CW II is on the brink from their blatant cheating.

  3. Ok, here’s a thought. Might be far-fetched but I don’t think so…
    What if this is communism’s “greatest generation” moment? They are waging war through politics… have been for quite some time, imo.
    They don’t care about the ruination lock-downs cause… that’s the point of them. Economic warfare is part of any major war.
    Deaths and complications from the shot? Casualties.
    “Shock and awe” style displays of power… police brutally towards dissenters is well documented. Dissenters with a position of power or influence… ruined careers and deprivation of income. Like this guy Lightbound. Assholes like neil young lead teh cancel culture to suppress even basic inquiries or discussions of verified information.
    Health care “professionals” denying proven, life-saving treatments, even if only “following orders” as cover to violate oaths. Greed is being played on in this by incentivizing all things covid, but ffs they are literally letting people die to further the narrative.
    Furthermore, those of us who have heard of “the great replacement”, we must wonder why illegals and refugees from other nations are not vaccinated , much less tested, even, then released into our country.
    People within the government went so far as to over-report covid deaths in teh run-up to the election… subterfuge/propaganda on a level seen in war many times.
    Without a doubt, many citizens are ignorant and fearful, and have been made that way through systematic indoctrination by teachers unions. The “dumbing-down” of our citizenry is why this is going so far down a terrible road. I believe many people do understand, on some level, and are willing to “sacrifice” time and money, deny themselves certain comforts and conveniences at no real risk… what easier way to fight a war?


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