Dems Are Poised For A Good Spanking, And They’ve Earned It – IOTW Report

Dems Are Poised For A Good Spanking, And They’ve Earned It

BlueStateConservative:by John Green-

It is beyond debate that the Democrats have behaved badly for a number of years now.  They’ve conducted two sham impeachments of Donald Trump based on false evidence, or no evidence at all.  They have removed Republicans from committee assignments for infractions that pale in comparison to the violations of Democrats.  They have violated Congressional rules with impunity – even to the point of refusing to accept minority party assignments to a select committee.

Yet there are those on the Republican side that say they should resist responding in kind, when the Republicans inevitably ascend to the majority.  They should be the “adults in the room” and model the behavior that they wish the Democrats to adopt.  They shouldn’t seek revenge for past wrongs – in spite of how good it might feel (looking at you Mittens).  Sorry, that’s total bunk.

That argument misses the point – it’s not about revenge.  It’s about training.  Bad actors need to learn that acting bad comes with risk.  As every parent knows, misbehavior must be met with consequences.  When a parent punishes a child for breaking the rules, they aren’t seeking revenge, they’re trying to make the child a better person.  Being the “adult in the room,” requires a response to bad behavior. read more

17 Comments on Dems Are Poised For A Good Spanking, And They’ve Earned It

  1. When the Republicans become the majority. When have we heard that before. And not so fast, they are doing all kinds of redistricting tricks with republicans help to ensure dems and RINOS benefit.

  2. There is a biiiig difference between what the American people want and what many Republican candidates are interested in doing. The people WANT the swamp drained. They WANT more freedom, and less government spending, and less government. Will the newly elected legislators respond to what the American people want, or will they just get absorbed into the swamp?
    Plus Dominion for sure.

  3. On an individual level, it is past time to put leftist pukes back in their place. They need to be treated as the losers they are. They are the beta male sissies, the prom rejects, the weirdos and freaks, the unhinged kooks, and they need to be reminded of this. They’ve more than earned it. If you’re worried that behaving this way will cause you to lose “friends”, then you need different friends.

  4. Considering the behavior of the democrats the last 6 years and the fact that they DO deserve a good “spanking” I suggest grading them “on a “curve” which would require a firing squad for a few of them! REALLY!

  5. The first thing I would do if I was a Republican is tell that freak “rachel” levine to pack up his shit and he’d better be outta there by the time I arrive or I’ll perform the needed sex change operation myself. Manually.

  6. Between McConnell and McCarthy the GOP is doing its part to suppress conservative votes in the upcoming. Prepare for Tea Party 2.0 in which new members will be cajoled, coerced and bribed to abandon their ideals and go along with the agenda already running.


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