Keep Searching, Fellas… Keep searching – IOTW Report

Keep Searching, Fellas… Keep searching

h/t Brad.

36 Comments on Keep Searching, Fellas… Keep searching

  1. Look at those linebacker shoulders of hers but all the press could talk about is how firm her arms were. I still have nightmares after seeing the picture of her in that atrocious yellow dress and thigh-high boots

  2. I’m sorry. Why are we still talking about the Obamas?
    America invited those frauds into the White House to rat fuck us.

    Then they left with millions.

    They are gone. Let’s pretend that never happened.
    And never speak of them again.

  3. Big Mike and Barry prove once again they’re not that smart. Should have planned ahead, knowing they would be taking their Marxist grifting scam show on the road.
    Hollywood could have fitted Big Mike with a prop pregnancy belly for every trimester.
    Doubt devoted Obama zombies care if Big Mike ever was pregnant. They give those two cretins a pass on everything they do.


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