ReeEEEee!!!: National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Warns Russia Invasion Threat is Immediate, Possibly During Olympics – IOTW Report

ReeEEEee!!!: National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Warns Russia Invasion Threat is Immediate, Possibly During Olympics

CTH: White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan gave a press conference today again emphasizing that an attack on Ukraine was likely.  Sullivan also recommended that all U.S. citizens in Ukraine depart within the next 24 to 48 hours.  However, for reference, the White House has been making this “imminent” claim for over a month. more here

40 Comments on ReeEEEee!!!: National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Warns Russia Invasion Threat is Immediate, Possibly During Olympics


    “The hysteria of the White House is more revealing than ever. The Anglo-Saxons need a war. At any price,” -Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman

    (But… “Anglo-Saxons” ma’am? That’s funny – and RACISS!!)

    You don’t suppose the Russians are right this time? The last time we had a discussion here on this, all kinds of snide, anonymous, expert, no-name, know-it-alls (sounding like Bush gods) came out of the woodwork calling people “Putin lovers” and such.

  2. Biden’s gonna make this happen. I’m a DLA contractor and they’re order a shit ton of cold weather gear. Including Tactical Tee Shirts. Which leaves me wondering how you make a tee shirt tactical. Dye it green I guess.

  3. Brad

    I saw her on Tucker as well, she misspoke. She said all Biden has to do to avoid a hot war is to guarantee that Ukraine will never be part of NATO, that is only one of Putin’s demands. He also wants ALL NATO troops (and their equipment) out of ALL nations that border Russia, reverting back to 1997 status, affecting Poland, the former Soviet countries of Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and the Balkan countries.

    Maybe somebody knows the answer to this (I don’t) but isn’t entry into NATO decided by a majority vote of all the members?

  4. If that was the case it would have been done by now.

    If the existing NATO members went to Zelensky and said, “Look, to avoid getting your country steamrolled by Russia, we are going to let him know that your application has been denied”, he would be thrilled beyond words. No, this one accommodation ain’t gonna do it and there is no way NATO will agree to abandon the other existing NATO members. I don’t know what other concessions can be made that would satisfy Putin.

  5. “ If that was the case it would have been done by now.”

    Actually it has. Europe didn’t include us in the negotiations. Which make this retard proclamation even more ridiculous.

  6. @Hambone ~ no, Sullivan hasn’t graduated high school

    in fact, all demonrats haven’t graduated high school … they’re all in perpetual Student Council mode … it is, & always has been their greatest achievement & ultimate life’s fulfillment

  7. “Ukraine Invasion Wednesday, German News Report Claims” :

    “US Embassy in Kiev is to be EVACUATED as Russia mobilizes for ‘invasion of Ukraine on Wednesday’: Biden will call Putin from Camp David at 11am in a final bid to dodge war” :

  8. @Anonymous February 12, 2022 at 1:31 am

    > Putin is calling for all his comrades.

    So, he’s calling for allies of Russia, qua Russia? Or, he’s calling for allies of Russia, qua China?

    I mean, either way, as a loyal mercenary of The United States, I’m in. I just don’t know if I should goose step off on the left foot? Or the right?

  9. Not our conflict.
    We should stay out of it.
    The Bidumb puppet masters want more distractions while they ruin the economy and install permanent cheats in the election systems.

  10. From a Breitbart article –
    “While Kyiv has repeatedly insisted that it has no indication that any impending further invasion is ready, President Joe Biden and his administration have expressed panic and urged Americans to flee the country to avoid “crossfire,” outraging Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.”

  11. A factor to consider, if there is a war in Ukraine, unlike the mainly barbaric and savage population of Afghanistan, the Ukrainian people and government will eagerly try to protect Americans left behind by the Xiden administration in Ukraine – Big difference.

  12. Trust and believe Warmonger Joe will start a war in Ukraine if possible. He’s just getting his pudding pops in a row.

    Also, one thing preventing a war right now is Putin’s confident in his preceived control of the Ukraine border and ignoring Xiden’s brain fart threats.

    It can get real if Warmonger Joe orders our military to fire against the Russians without provocation. He’s evil and stupid enough to do it.

  13. @99th Squad Leader

    Although I think you are right about properly positioned loyalty, once the shooting starts it really is every man for himself.

    Since Biden has still refused to evacuate the several hundred US soldiers still in Ukraine, these guys will probably get sucked into a conflict they have no business being involved in.

    More blood on his hands.

  14. @Rich Taylor February 11, 2022 at 9:02 pm

    > He also wants ALL NATO troops (and their equipment) out of ALL nations that border Russia, reverting back to 1997 status, affecting Poland, the former Soviet countries of Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and the Balkan countries.

    So no more occupation (and “oversight”) by lesbians, pædos, and trannys?

    Goolag says “They’re terrified, and heartbroken, at the thought.” So, it must be true.

  15. @Rich Taylor, great points.
    War is truly hell. Given the circumstances, it does depend on survival of the fittest – an inevitable consequences when godless men decide they’re in “control”. People suffer and have to do their best in a horrible situation.

    Still, if there is war, Ukrainians would not be committing atrocities against Americans like the Islamic jihad are in Afghanistan. Ukrainians seem to be in general principled, honorable people who respect highly their relationship with The United States and what it stands for – despite the Demwit fraud, Biden in the White House.

    BTW, the Fraud in Chief just ordered 3,000 more 82nd Airborne troops out of Fort Bragg to be deployed to Europe- Poland.
    He is not removing the U.S. military from Europe any time soon. Rich, without God’s intervention our troops could be sitting ducks.

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