Time to make some phone calls, Massachusetts – IOTW Report

Time to make some phone calls, Massachusetts

Do you Support Law and Order or Not?
Rep David DeCoste joins Howie to discuss a new bill that would allow illegal aliens get driver’s licenses in an effort to make roads safer but really just an incentive for more illegals to flood into the country.
[all info at the link]

11 Comments on Time to make some phone calls, Massachusetts

  1. Here in Southern ME they don’t care about licenses.
    There’s an illegal alien couple living in welfare housing behind our house. (We have an 8 ft wooden fence up)
    They have 2 vehicles. A couple of months ago the guy tried pulling a u turn out front and went into the ditch. Took off with his friends. Open bottles of beer all over the van.
    When the bit**y female cop got there she took the plates off the minivan. The guy came back. She gave his plates back and nothing. No ticket, no arrest, nothing.

    The New England leftists, many of ours from out of state, are all pushing for non citizens voting.

    If non citizens can vote, citizenship means nothing.

  2. “If non citizens can vote, citizenship means nothing.”
    Seems to be the point, doesn’t it?
    The totalitarians are demanding that we allow people who have no democratic/republican traditions to have a say in our mal-government?
    Probably not.
    The greater the franchise, the less a vote means – all part of the “fix.”
    Votes are like confetti – throw them up in the air and guess what the numbers are. Why not just have the rat-people mail in their votes from Mexico or Somalia?

    Treason most foul.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. If the Republicans retake the House and Senate in 2022 (probably a big if) then one of their first acts is to pass a law that prohibits illegal aliens from voting at the same location where a federal election is being held. If a locality or state allows illegals to vote in their election, if a federal election of any kind is also being held at the same time, then the federal election location cannot be within 1000 yards of the location where the illegals are voting. Federal elections are to be completely separate physically from any location where illegals are present.

    Of course, I doubt McConnel or McCarthy will support that.

  4. Call me old-fashioned, but seems to me like the term “illegal” should tell us all we need to know about that person driving, voting, or even being present in this country.

  5. @Beachmom February 12, 2022 at 7:26 am

    > If non citizens can vote, citizenship means nothing.

    When has being declared a “citizen” of an occupied territory, ever been a good thing?

  6. @DavidW February 12, 2022 at 8:21 am

    > If the Republicans retake the House and Senate in 2022 (probably a big if) then one of their first acts is to pass a law that prohibits illegal aliens from voting at the same location where a federal election is being held.

    Because sending them back, is not who we are!

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