Jill Biden helped gum up the Afghanistan evacuation effort, Navy admiral claims in report – IOTW Report

Jill Biden helped gum up the Afghanistan evacuation effort, Navy admiral claims in report

FOX– An admiral for the U.S. Navy claimed “high-profile” requests, including one from first lady Jill Biden, caused disruption to overall Afghanistan evacuation efforts last year.

Rear Adm. Peter Vasely, who serves as a special assistant to the Director of the Navy Staff, said incessant calls for help during the efforts to get Americans out of the now-Taliban-controlled country caused a “distraction” and “created competition for already stressed resources.”

Vasley’s remarks, stemming from a late September interview, came in a story by the Washington Post, which obtained a 2,000-page report from the probe of the 17-day operation out of Kabul. more

17 Comments on Jill Biden helped gum up the Afghanistan evacuation effort, Navy admiral claims in report

  1. I knew Jill was playing a major roll when the Morons gave the Russians a list of off limit Networks the administration didn’t want hacked and by default allowing the rest to be hacked. We have D students running the country.

  2. You mean President Dr. Jill English teacher at a Community College didn’t have Military Logistics & Diplomatic Experience. Shocking.

    Well, at least she understands Economics, Trade, Medicine, & immigration.

  3. “Vasley’s remarks, stemming from a late September interview, came in a story by the Washington Post, which obtained a 2,000-page report from the probe of the 17-day operation out of Kabul.”

    Who did the interview, and why are we only now hearing about this six months later? How did WaPo “obtain” the report? Was it leaked to them by the CIA? And why now? I guess this was the best time to drop this turd, right before the Ghanistan debacle is eclipsed by the looming Ukraine catastrophe.

  4. @Brad February 12, 2022 at 2:26 pm

    > We have D students running the country.

    Now, @Brad, you know that’s not true. Perxons of “color”… Perxons of “indeterminate” (well, alright I’ll grant you “determined non-male”) gender… are all given participation medals.

  5. Dr Jill, the most qualified First Lady ever, was co-elected with her husband Senile Joe from Scranton, and swore an oath to defend the constitution. She receives not one dime for her service to Our Democracy. A little gratitude would not go amiss.

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