Concerns Mount as Biden Forgets Country’s Name: ‘This Man Has the Nuclear Football’ – IOTW Report

Concerns Mount as Biden Forgets Country’s Name: ‘This Man Has the Nuclear Football’

Neon Nettle: Democrat Joe Biden repeatedly forgot the name of the country he was talking about while discussing the U.S. withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, sparking fresh concerns about his mental fitness.

During a new interview with NBC News host Lester Holt on Thursday, Biden confused Aghanistan with different country names more than once.

Biden was asked by Holt if he was told that his administration was “prepared” to pull out of Afghanistan at the right time.

Biden responded:

“No. What I was told, no one told me that, look, there was no good time to get out.

“But if we had not gotten out, they acknowledged that we would have had to put a hell of a lot more troops back in.

“It wasn’t just 2,000, 4,000, we would have to significantly increase the number of troops, and we’re back in this this war of attrition.

“And, and there was no way we were ever going to unite Ukraine, excuse me, Iraq, Afghanistan.


27 Comments on Concerns Mount as Biden Forgets Country’s Name: ‘This Man Has the Nuclear Football’

  1. He also called Holt a “wise guy” for daring to ask about inflation. I reckon the 1936 slang pairs well with the depressing state of the nation. But his tweets aren’t mean, so there’s that.

    And speaking of the state of the nation…When is Bugsy Biden going to stand and deliver the State of the Union address? Or has he already done that and the media ignored it for him.

  2. Better get used to it, Kamala say she gonna make sure he wins the next election using Trump’s claim. She says she has more balls than Pence to make sure it happens. Stealing back 2024.

  3. We allowed it.
    We’re still allowing it.
    They have taken our measure and found us wanting.
    Push our faces into the pillow and … well, you know … the thing!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. If anyone’s concerns about this abject moron and reprobate are mounting they shouldn’t be voting in the first place. Any and all concern I had about this fucking moron two decades ago left no room for any increase.

  5. This is what we need to do:

    Win back both houses this year.

    25th Amendment Joe.

    Make Kamala president and in the process rip off that “First Female President” band-aid while showing the Democrats that we won’t refrain from removing a bad president just because they picked an even worse Vice President: The vice presidency is meant to ensure that the nation maintains executive leadership in the event the president is incapable of performing his duties. It is NOT meant to blackmail the American people into keeping a failed president.

    Make sure the American people realize that the two worst presidents we have ever had were both Democrats, and they were both elected in the same fraudulent election.

  6. TN Tuxedo
    FEBRUARY 12, 2022 AT 10:11 AM
    “This is what we need to do:

    Win back both houses this year”

    …good luck with that!


    …no, really, I wish you well!


    …GO for it! *chuckle!* Win, win, WIN!!!

    …I’ll be over here counting while you try. Seems I’ve ALREADY been given quite a many “votes” somehow…

  7. TN Tuxedo,

    Very well said.
    Win the House & Senate, Send the Turnip to get the medical attention he needs, Let Kamala sit at the desk cackling like an idiot with nothing to do for 3 years.

  8. Biden Forgets Country’s Name: ‘This Man Has the Nuclear Football’

    Really? That’s… even… an issue. Really?

    The country is run by lesbians, pædos, and trannys. Because it is ruled by foreigners, boomers, and banksters. For the benefit of banksters, boomers, foreigners, lesbians, pædos, and trannys (many of whom double dip), and the (few) wymyn that are not (yet) one of the above.

    And an old, white, male, sock puppet, with this, the current day’s, launch codes… to be read to lesbians, pædos, and trannys… to see if they’ll agree to push their buttons… to initiate launches… if they can successfully push their buttons… of machinery designed last century… by (thankfully, dead) old, white, guys… and “maintained” since then… by lesbians, pædos, and trannys… is even an issue!? … really?

  9. Joey’s a symptom.
    A sock-puppet.
    The Banksters, Big Pharma, the Billionaires, the Drug Importers, the Globaloney-ists, the Criminally Corrupt Political Swamp Rats (Executive Agencies, House, Senate, SCROTUS), Wall Street, Madison Avenue, Academia, Hollyweird (but I repeat myself) are what needs to be purged of Traitors.
    Until these traitors are made to pay for their crimes; the crimes will continue.

    Sad – but that’s just the way it is.
    Reform is pretty much lost as an option.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. @Tim – FJB February 12, 2022 at 11:40 am

    > needs to be purged of Traitors

    And the test (Science!y, of course) of those that looked at the above groups, and said “Sign me up!”, that are not “traitors”… is… what?


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