108 professional soccer players dead from heart failure – IOTW Report

108 professional soccer players dead from heart failure

26 Comments on 108 professional soccer players dead from heart failure

  1. Soccer players are among the most physically conditioned athletes in all of sports. They have to run up and down a 100+ yard field multiple times without substitution. This – “unexplained, coincidental” deaths – has never happened in such a magnitude that I can recall.

    Move along, nothing to see here.

  2. @aircubed – that’s an excellent point you made.

    Because they were jabbed, they are only mostly dead? Somehow less dead than those silly anti science unvaxxed? I hate being glib about this series of tragedies seemingly without any end in sight because I imagine that many of these top athletes were pressured into getting vaxxed. I hope there will be a reckoning for this insanity. I recently rewatched “The Crucible” based on Arthur Miller’s play which is an allegory about McCarthyism set in the Salem witchcraft era – a similar mass psychosis took over the community and only a few citizens recognized what was actually going on. I have decided that I am the Rebecca Nurse of my little crazy world where friends and family have been sucked into the mass formation psychosis madness. I’ll probably hang from the gallows before this madness ends.

  3. @The Progressive Libertine –

    I’ve never seen your moniker before. When you say “Libertine”, do you mean Libertarian? And was your comment sarcasm or serious? I’d like to know.

  4. I was vaccinated about a year ago. I was wondering if I would live after the strange things my heart was doing beating irregular and feeling sore every time I did a little work. After about five months I started feeling better now it’s like occasionally and I can do physical activity at times with no problem. It was the J&J vaccine and I only got it because I’m helping care for my elderly mother and was under pressure.
    Never had the COVID yet but several people I know who weren’t vaccinated and seemed very healthy have died from it.

  5. @The Progressive Libertine –
    Nevermind. I looked up the definition of libertine.


    One who acts without moral restraint; a dissolute person. One who defies established religious precepts; a freethinker.

    You are an amoral “do what pleases me” phuck, who thinks only of himself and no one else. Prove me wrong.

  6. Wake up to the idea that the “Batch Codes” are part of the experiment… to test various formulations on humans for side-effects.

    Talk about Medical Russian Roulette.

  7. n…..Noooo……the “antivaxxers” I.E. people who believe in personal freedom….didn’t swallow anything. That’s kinda’ why we’re so cool.

    It’s you vax covidians who swallowed toxins hook line and sinker.


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