Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears: Lawlessness in America ‘coming from the highest levels’ – IOTW Report

Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears: Lawlessness in America ‘coming from the highest levels’


(FOX NEWS) — Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears argued on Sunday that lawlessness in America is “coming from the highest levels,” explaining that she believes it is “from the presidency on down where there is no leadership.”

Sears made the argument during an exclusive interview with “Sunday Morning Futures,” telling host Maria Bartiromo that she believes there is a “vacuum” and that leaders “seem to be following what’s happening on the streets.” more

9 Comments on Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears: Lawlessness in America ‘coming from the highest levels’

  1. The fact that some bizarre creepo race supremacist and phony potus gleefully decides to hand out free crack pipes with the admiring approval of NYC’s new mayor “Crackers” Adams speaks to high levels of criminal activities seen across the nation by politicians, both at low-level and high office. Add the fact that the commie-prog de Blasio and sinister stand-in governor Hochul both agreed to install glorified shooting galleries for heroin junkies, fentanyl druggies, and meth-heads while both corrupt slobs declare these flop house shooting-up joints as “safe spaces”. Note that de Blasio’s own daughter is a junkie skel with multiple detoxes and whom de Blasio wants to avoid arrest (as she did when she joined blm in a rock-throwing incident though she’s 1/2 white) while she shoots up “safely” and undisturbed.

  2. “from the presidency on down where there is no leadership.”

    The Usurping Traitor Joey IS showing “leadership!”
    He’s leading America into the sewer.

    “A fish rots from the head.”
    “If the Premier steals; the Ministers will kill.”
    “Old man don’t trust a fart.”

    The country’s being torn apart – with malice aforethought.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Just because the crack pipes are free doesn’t mean one is supposed to smoke it 24/7. Put down the crack pipe & be careful how much fentanyl you take, it’s a killer.

  4. Well they expected this to happen, it was all part of the big plan. EXCEPT, they didn’t plan the outcome, they didn’t learn history and the outcome. I enjoy listening to Dan Carlin “Hardcore History.” It’s brutal. The playing field will soon be leveled. Only difference between us and other countries, the ones holding weapons are the cops. Notice the uptick in police getting shot lately? Those are the ones who can’t get a job anywhere else.

  5. Vaccuum, hell! They’re certainly encouraging it if not actually funding and directing it! Cameltoe Harris was bailing these fuckers out of jail only a year-and-a-half ago, and that’s only for starters.


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