Illegal Baby Names – IOTW Report

Illegal Baby Names

These are the illegal baby names you’re banned from using around the world. – NYP

There have been a whole host of ridiculous baby names over the years. But some monikers were so bizarre they ended up getting banned in their country — with Nutella topping the list. Apparently, a couple in France wanted to call their daughter after the chocolate spread but were told by a judge they wouldn’t be allowed to. This wasn’t because of copyright, but because it would have made the tot “the subject of derision.” more

48 Comments on Illegal Baby Names

  1. My paternal grandmother was named Ella and believe she was not a nut. She was anything but, a very hard working, extremely frugal woman who worked hard on my grandparent’s small farm in N. Idaho during the Depression, World War 2 and afterwards into the mid 60’s and always paid cash for everything. Nutella is not a good name for a girl unless she is forced to become a nut because of a God-awful name choice by lazy, stupid parents. Naming a girl Ima would be even worse just because.

  2. Why would parents saddle their child with a name that draws mockery? Could it be because they are narcissistic jerks who do not see the kid as a an individual who must carry the weight of their idiotic name for the rest of their life?

  3. They don’t know what their missing by banning Prince. I have, like, 10 or so Africans who’s first name is Prince, plus there was that one guy who was really into purple, so that’s fun…

  4. Years ago, I had a sort-of-gothish female coworker.

    One day she told me that she had a daughter named Raven. I said that that was a fairly unusual name and how did she come up with it. She got very dramatic and said that there was a line from Shakespeare that — OH! — it just spoke to her. I said that I was somewhat familiar with Shakespeare, but nothing about ravens came to mind. She actually struck a pose and recited “Quoth the raven, nevermore”.

    I didn’t have the heart to tell her that she was quoting Poe, not Shakespeare.

    People are stupid.

  5. Dweezil?
    Moon Unit?
    god (with a lower-case “g”)?

    Not sure what the gov’t’s got to do with kids’ names …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Heatsync
    FEBRUARY 14, 2022 AT 9:34 AM

    “People are stupid.”

    …Always have been, always will be.

    Jesus COULD have said ‘the stupid you will have with you always’, and it would have been just as true as ‘the poor’.

    …that’s what the devil and his Democrats count on, stupidity.

    And it works pretty well for them.

    Just look at who’s in charge…

  7. Saving people from themselves in these other countries?
    They must hate the made up names people give their kids in this country trying to sound African.
    I know white people who like to give stupid hard spellings to their kids’ names or add the extra e or whatever on the end.

    My name is tough enough. No one spells it right. I only care on legal docs.
    The pronunciation is the same as other spellings so I got teased all my life.
    Makes you tough. If your parents aren’t snowflakes themselves.

  8. I went to HS with a girl named Candace Bahr (Candy Bahr). She had a brother named Clark. A grammar school classmate was Rose Bush. Some parents just have a f’d up sense of humor.

  9. Met a Home Depot worker last month with “Cotten’ on his name tag. We talked a bit and when asked about his name, he said he uses his last name to keep things simple.

    My first name is Kim.

    Not short for anything, just Kim.

    It was at least another 15 mins before I got out of there. I have a middle name I wouldn’t let my childhood friends know for the same reason.

  10. My GGrandpa had to change the spelling of the family name to something less obviously Germanic, so the kids wouldn’t get beaten up by anti-Hun fever ginned up by hate-filled Democrats.

    …funny how, wherever there’s hatred for people as a group, there’s a Democrat right there causing it and making it worse for their own political gain…

  11. @Mojo56 — I’d forgotten this but your comment reminded me: Friends of my parents’, the Bunns, wanted to name their daughter Honey but they got talked out of it. So they named her Candace: yep, Candy Bunn.

    Her late brother was named Giles Featherstone Bunn III so offbeat names sort of ran in the family.

  12. Ok Bob M. When I was a teacher at a public middle school in Kissimmee Florida about 25 plus years ago my colleagues told of a student whose parents named their new twins what you just posted! I was going to share this here when I read your post. They said Mom chose the names after she had Lemon jello and Orange jello with her hospital lunch. I almost wouldn’t believe it. Till now.

  13. I have a friend from HS named Stan who named his daughter Stan A Lee. And my mom and dad if they would’ve had a girl would’ve named her Willy Lee which is an old family name of some kind. We never had a sister so my 3 younger brothers and I (and her) were spared of having a sister named Willy. The thought of having a sister named Willy gives me the Willies, Hi, this is my brother Scott, my brother Eric and my youngest brother Rex and my sister Willy.

  14. Let me tell you a real world story about this.
    In my country of origin, and before my father brought us out of that sh*thole to legally come here to this great country, there was a law any Christian cannot use names they like, no matter where they came from, even Biblical names, in a country which said it prides itself on progressive values, diversity and tolerance.
    (Sounds familiar? You bet. I see the same thing creeping here.)
    We were allowed to choose a name from a per-approved list, that are at times, same names muslims use.
    Even then, you are not guaranteed that the official who is producing the birth certificate won’t mess it up, misspell, change to their liking the name you chose for your baby. At times, years later, other government officials might mess up your name. Nothing you could about it.
    At best, you can file a civil suit in civil court petitioning that official to correct the mistake. Good luck after that, having to follow up in courts for the next 10 year or so, only to be rejected, told you are the one who made the mistake and the official was “just doing his patriotic job”, that is if not that official took it personally, made up a charge against you that would make you disappear, thrown in jail for many years.

    These countries who are restricting names are not that far from those days. reading history, it should tell you Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Communist Soviet Russia, Japan, genocidal turkey, few Arab states had similar policies.

    People don’t learn, and by nature, humans easily forget stuff that did not happen to them personally.


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