About that snow in China – – IOTW Report

About that snow in China –

WND: The International Olympic Committee has faced ongoing criticism over its decision to award the 2022 Winter Games to the high-tech, modern-day dystopia that is communist China, attacks that have in no way died down as the Games have panned out.

The Chinese Communist Party did its part to signal to the world that its mistreatment of the Uyghur population is totally not genocide, selecting a Uyghur athlete to light the Olympic torch, which was somehow meant to dispel concerns about all the ethnic minorities holed up in concentration camps in the Xinjiang province.

Well, this hollow gesture, along with the lengthy list of human rights abuses the party stands accused of, has hardly been helped by the fact that, as satellite images recently highlighted, many of the Olympic events are taking place in artificial wintry scenes nestled in a poorly concealed dystopian hellscape.

That’s right — the snow for the Winter Games is entirely fake, as seen in NASA satellite imagery this week. more

18 Comments on About that snow in China –

  1. Expecting liberal internationalist organizations like the IOC to actually give a shit about human rights is like expecting the Bengals to win a Super Bowl.

    Ain’t gonna happen.

    …what, too soon?

  2. I would imagine that the IOC members who voted to have the Olympics in Communist China are laughing all the way to the bank with all of the “thank you gifts” they received (before the vote was held).

    The Olympics should be ended. Whatever good and noble reasons behind them are no longer valid. There are plenty of other championships that exist for probably all of those sports anyway, the Olympics don’t really add to it and are just showing the world how corrupt our governments and the IOC is.

  3. the IOC didn’t have much of a choice. the only other country that put up a bid was Kazakhstan

    … 4 other countries dropped out when they found their citizens had no interest & didn’t want to foot the bill

  4. Uh, I don’t see a decommissioned “steel plant”, but I do see a mothballed nuclear power plant FARM. It’s too dang easy to fool people by putting a giant ski jump right in the middle of it all, isn’t it?

    Who gets the WINTER Olympics next? Cuba?

    (We haven’t watched a single minute of the China Games(manship).)

  5. Seeing the one article about the Russian athlete testing positive for a “performance enhancing substance.” Isn’t that substance usually male hormones? So it is OK to have men dressed as women compete as women, but it is wrong for a woman dressed as a woman to take a male hormone and compete as a woman?

  6. @ DavidW

    “are just showing the world how corrupt our governments and the IOC is.”

    The IOC isn’t necessary for pointing out how corrupt governments are. The governments themselves do an excellent job of showing off their corruption. It could be argued that it’s the only thing they do a good job of.

    The IOC is a self licking ice cream cone.

  7. The permanent host of all future Olympics should be the nation of Greece! Otherwise disband them and deport all IOC members to either China or North Korea where they can live happily ever after!

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