CNN’s Tapper RIPS Into Biden’s Refusal to Admit He Was Wrong About Afghanistan – IOTW Report

CNN’s Tapper RIPS Into Biden’s Refusal to Admit He Was Wrong About Afghanistan

Newsbusters: On Sunday’s episode of CNN’s State of the Union, anchor Jake Tapper ripped into President Joe Biden for refusing to accept responsibility for the disastrous troop withdrawal in Afghanistan which killed thirteen American soldiers, including Ryan Knauss. 

“It’s difficult to overstate how insulting Biden’s sweeping rejection is to so many service members and veterans, given the full content of the 2,000 pages of documents in this U.S. Army investigation which CNN has also obtained.” Tapper said at the end of Sunday’s State of the Union regarding declassified documents from the U.S. Army investigation into the failed U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. more

13 Comments on CNN’s Tapper RIPS Into Biden’s Refusal to Admit He Was Wrong About Afghanistan

  1. If I was in the service today, I wouldn’t take the risk on FJB getting us into a worthless high body count BS war. I’d bailout by refusing the jab. Honorable mention is not worth zip if your dead or wounded.

  2. Hey Jake, if you want people to take you seriously apologize to your audience for helping to cover up stories about Hunter and Joe and aiding and abetting the Russia hoax, etc.
    I won’t hold my breath.
    Heck, I wouldn’t even know if you did apologize because CNN doesn’t come on my tv.

  3. Jake Tapper is feeling the heat that’s sweeping through the Collusion Nonsense Netwoke. Boy, oh boy, is he a tough guy now! What a trooper! What a harsh critic! What a journalist! What a Bullshitter!

  4. Kinda like whacking the dog with a newspaper for peeing in the kitchen two weeks a…
    He won’t know why you’re doing it and you had the obligation to smack him immediately after it happened!

  5. when the biteme ship sailed jake was on deck, now he’s hoping for plausible deniability
    never forget jake along with corrupt politicians, media, entertainment, educational, medical people etc., etc. are in complete collusion with the treason that has this shit show flinging crap as far a the eye can see

  6. Jake, why don’t you make up for it be hammering Hillary Clinton about the Durham Report’s Findings?
    what does, “You Don’t want to be Arkancided” mean?

  7. Typical lying hypocritical Journ-O-List.

    I ran into guys like Jake – suck the bosses ass – lick the bosses jizz off the toilet seat – and then bad-mouth him when he was out of the room.

    What a fuckin puke.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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