Who is John Sullivan? – IOTW Report

Who is John Sullivan?

Who is John Sullivan? Watch and you’ll find out.

8 Comments on Who is John Sullivan?

  1. ^^^What? You think your not, well your aren’t fooling no one when you support a dictator. Even if he is in wannabe category. Note, Donny spoke at his best buddy Kim jong-un country & went over their love letters.

  2. SALON just put out a story claiming Republicans have gone fascist. Get ready for that to be the big headline parroted by media.
    In reality, 21st century fascism is what rigged the 2020 election, Lied about Russian collusion, spied on Trumps campaign, imposed vaccine mandates, corrupted the health care system, shut down our energy independence and crashed the economy. Republicans had NOTHING to do with any of that!


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