Democrats Now Calling for Hillary to Be Investigated over Durham Allegations – IOTW Report

Democrats Now Calling for Hillary to Be Investigated over Durham Allegations

NEON NETTLE: More than half of Demcorats believe Hillary Clinton should be questioned by special counsel John Durham over her alleged role in the Russian secret server scandal, according to a new poll.

The news comes after bombshell reports from the Durham court filing that the Clinton campaign spied on Donald Trump as a candidate and in office.

Sixty-six percent of Democrats wanted Clinton questioned, according to the poll, which is 22 percentage points higher than how many in her party demanded a probe last October.

Republicans are also unsurprisingly demanding answers, rising to 91 percent in January from 80 percent last October.

Among independents, those wanting the former secretary of state probed rose to 74 percent from 65 percent. more here

25 Comments on Democrats Now Calling for Hillary to Be Investigated over Durham Allegations

  1. “Probed” as in alien anal inspection? This dirty sea hag deserves nothing less than boiled in oil. Her and her family has caused untold sorrow from Haiti to washingtoon dc.

  2. It’s not what it seems. These Dems want her to put in an appearance, shout down the investigators, and have the media say, “Yass, slay, Queen”, like that bullshit Benghazi hearing, so it can be declared Old News, and she can run for President again. Meanwhile, they are working overtime to find a way to keep Trump from running and kicking her dumpy ass again.

  3. This is a nothing berder. Old news thats getting moldy. Anyone that knows about Donny, betcha he did the same thing back to her back then, get dirt on rival candidate. The reason it is coming out now, is because of “other” investigations, to draw off & deflect from them.

  4. “Houston, we are deploying the Probe on schedule.”

    “Roger that. And good luck, Discovery!”

    “Thanks Houston… Ah, Houston, the Probe is acquiring its target.”

    “Roger, Discovery. Keep us informed.”

    “Houston! We have a problem!”

    “Go ahead…”

    “The Probe was traversing up Thigh Ridge and encountered some kind of poisonous gas and destructive sound waves that register as thunder on our software! It’s… it’s… oh, my God! Are you getting our feed, Houston?”



    (Gagging, yelling, screaming in background…) “Discovery. Abort! Abort! Pull it out! Back off! We can’t…”

    “Too late, Houston. The Probe is gone… disintegrated. We had no idea what we were dealing with…”

    “It’s going to take years to analyze the data, Discovery.”

    “Roger that, Houston. Discovery out.”

  5. @Thirdtwin, good job – you beat me to it. The Durham production, staged by (deep state) (intelligence community) (whatever you want to call TPTB), is among other things a delaying action so that whatever facts it cannot bury are attenuated by time and misdirection.

    In Hillary’s case, it’s both.

  6. I have to agree with Benito. I think the dems are pushing for this so she doesn’t try to run in 2024. Not that they have another candidate, but most of them hate her as much as we do

  7. when she was questioned by mueller, she brought in her, very recently appointed, lawyers who were also potential defendants. That was a no-no, because it is a blatant opportunity to collaborate stories. They weren’t officially her lawyers until she had to testify, then they were declared as such and she demanded their attendance at her deposition. The problems with that were known to mueller, as well as everyone, but he didn’t do squat about it. From what I remember, she was not placed under oath, and the deposition was not recorded, nor were notes taken.
    that is probably what they will do again
    if it turns out she did spy on a sitting President, she deserves the full penalty for that.

  8. Yeah, and about 20 years after she’s made her way into Hell they’ll get to the “bottom” of it. Just more “Look! I’m doing something for the money!” BULLSHIT.

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for her perp-walk.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. This must be a mistake. Are these the same twenty or thirty Democrats who demanded that President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton produce the 35,000 missing emails? The ones she destroyed that were under subpoena by the House of Representatives? This is simply too incredible to believe!

  10. America, at the very least, is a sad circle of political persuasion, playing one side against the other.

    When the dems feel they’re pushed against the wall, they go all out and feverishly instill heavy cases of mis-direction.

    When threatened by their constituents, Republicans hum ha and espouse strongly worded letters and/or promises of possible investigations…..Lip service to be sure, and the serious overtones are to be zealously embraced by the neophytes.

  11. Even the Democrats can recognize a complete loser. The smartest woman in the world couldn’t cheat Donald Trump out of the out of the presidency but the possibly lowest IQ to ever serve in the Senate could. That ought to give the dems real confidence that she should be their candidate in 2024!!

  12. Hildabeast has been successful at two things in her life; grifting money and covering Bill’s sexual escapades. Other than that, she has been drawing flies since Watergate. There hasn’t been a period of her adult life she hasn’t been involved in some corrupt activity. The puppeteers behind xiden have got control of the US Treasury. I doubt they want to share that with a greedy bitch like Hildabeast.


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