California Supreme Court Rejects Parole Bid For Manson Family Murderer Leslie Van Houten – IOTW Report

California Supreme Court Rejects Parole Bid For Manson Family Murderer Leslie Van Houten

CA Globe: A petition by convicted murderer and Manson Family follower Leslie Van Houten challenging Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent refusal to parole her was denied by the California Supreme Court on Thursday.

Van Houten was arrested at age 19 in 1969 for helping Manson Family leader Charles Manson murder Los Angeles grocer Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary in August of that year. Van Houten had personally held down and repeatedly stabbed Rosemary LaBianca during the murder, but did not participate in the more famed Sharon Tate murders that happened a few days before. In 1971, Van Houten was sentenced to death, but had her sentence blocked by the removal of the death penalty in 1972. After several more years of legal wrangling, Van Houten was finally sentenced to life in jail in 1978.

Since then, Van Houten has tried for parole 25 times and had been up for parole the last five times due to the death of Manson in 2017. Former Governor Jerry Brown had denied her twice, with Newsom rejecting her parole three times as well. Her most recent parole hearing in November 2021 led to her being recommended for parole again, with that decision still being under review. However, Van Houten’s legal team had previously questioned Newsom’s last parole denial in 2020, saying that he had denied her due process due to not providing legal documents saying when the case was referred to him and said that he may have gone past the 30 day limit for review. read more

16 Comments on California Supreme Court Rejects Parole Bid For Manson Family Murderer Leslie Van Houten

  1. The bitch didn’t accidentally hold someone down and stab them repeatedly — you have to put some thought and effort into something like that, which means she should have been dumped feet-first into a wood-chipper set on SLOW a long time ago, not wasting tax-payer dollars for over fifty fucking years.

  2. She’s been locked up for well over 50 years, and I’m glad for that. Today she is totally 100% irrevocably institutionalized. I don’t see how she could ever adjust to life outside prison and not experience never-ending anxiety/panic attacks, and I’m glad for that too. I suspect that the cruelest thing to do to her today would be to open the prison door, give her $100 and a bus ticket to Compton, and tell her to go away, and I’d be glad for that as well.

    I’m not seriously proposing that outcome, I’m just thinking out loud.

  3. SNS February 15, 2022 at 10:10 am

    Release her on condition that she becomes Joe Biden’s personal nurse.

    Give her a knife to commemorate the occasion.

    Let nature take its course…

    Biden will take care of itself. Give her parole and make her Newsom’s personal nurse. Make sure she has Booster’s 3, 4, and 5 readily available to give the kill shot to Newsom. That’s how I roll.

  4. She’s old enough to release any time now. What could be a more cruel last bit of punishment? As Uncle Al says, completely institutionalized, completely unable to navigate the world, without support systems and dumped into the dystopian hell hole of the impoverished in California. The only thing that would hold me back on that is that she wants to be freed. And that is an important consideration.

  5. After the last few years, I can credibly argue that all Calfornians are ‘institutionalized’.
    Anyone disagreeing can explain why Newsome/Schiff/Pelosi/Waters et al continue to wear a smirk.


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