Trucker Protest on U.S. Border Cleared After Ontario Drops Mandates – IOTW Report

Trucker Protest on U.S. Border Cleared After Ontario Drops Mandates


Ontario Premier Doug Ford said on Friday that plans are underway to remove “almost all restrictions for businesses,” including the controversial “vaccine passport system” that inspired the Freedom Convoy protests.

On Sunday, the vital Ambassador Bridge linking Ontario with Michigan was reopened after police cleared the protesters who had blocked it for six days.

“Today we are on track to very soon remove almost all restrictions for businesses as part of our reopening plan. And we heard from Dr. Moore last week, and again yesterday, that he is now working on a plan that will allow us to remove the vaccine passport system. My friends, this is great news and a sign of just how far we have come together in this fight,” Ford said at a press conference on Friday.

Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s chief medical officer, asserted on Thursday that “evidence is showing we’re making remarkable improvement in all of the key metrics” related to Chinese coronavirus in the province, making it possible to “review all public health measures that are in place.” read more

16 Comments on Trucker Protest on U.S. Border Cleared After Ontario Drops Mandates

  1. Trudeau just invoked emergency powers, anyone part of the protest, funding the protest or even supporting the protest are to have their bank accounts frozen and banks will do it without any court order. He just went full communist, Americans don’t pull their heads out of their asses we’re next. It has already started with what they’ve done to J6, paypal and others not allowing you to use them if they don’t like your politics, banks closing your accounts, ask Lindell about that. We all know they’re following the orders of the government.

    Watching these truckers for a few weeks and seeing how the government got so anal when they couldn’t deliver car parts made me believe we can stop them by a national strike. The problem is Americans who can’t even part with a damn professional ballgame or not wearing a mask because it might offend someone actually refusing to work for a few weeks on a grand enough scale to bring them to their knees.

    I would say I see a bloody future, but I’ve pretty much lost hope in Americans.

  2. Yeah, I am not seeing transparency here on a clean break from the mandates.
    Particularly since the truckers will leave if all the mandates are removed, particularly at the national level, yet Jussie just took the really extreme act of declaring an emergency today. Today, as the daily covid case numbers have plunged to less than a quarter of what they were 3 weeks ago. Yet he clings to his mandate. What purpose, other than to retain government force?

  3. almost all… very soon… working on a plan…

    No negotiation, no agreement. But today: Emergency Powers / martial law.

    If the truckers go home, I hope they stay there for a good while. If the members of the Canadian government (or ours) think a truckers’ protest is inconvenient, wait until they experience a truckers’ strike.

  4. He was asked about the tow companies refusing to tow trucks and he said these powers would make it where he could compel them.
    So every trucker, every trucking corporation better start listening, if they can’t freeze your bank account and seize your property and compel you to use your truck when and where they say, they can just as easily say you will do it for free.

    If they were smart, including in this country where the government uses the Constitution to wipe their ass, they would all tomorrow tell the government we’re parking, this road leads to you taking our money, our company and our trucks, so we might as well give you a head start. That is the only way to bring them to their knees, they need food, no food they go hungry. I would say though not just truckers, all of the nasty little working people need to do this.

  5. Don’t want Teh Gooberment to seize your truck? Or make you drive it for free?
    Disable said truck. (get spare parts first) Break hard-to-reach parts.
    “Gee, Boss Man, I’d LOVE to drive for ya, but I can’t, my truck is down, and parts aren’t available for who-knows-how-long?”

  6. Notice the difference:

    – Truckers protest for a specific thing, i.e. remove vaccine mandates. When they’re removed, they stop protesting.

    – BLM blocked roads to “end racism” (as those stupid fucks defined it) and “defund the po-lice” (but then whine for the cops when frustrated drivers drove past them).

    There is a logical way to protest and then there is the dumbfuck nihilistic asshole way to protest. The truckers were the former and BLM was the latter.

    And it’s important to note that the corporate fascists fought the truckers tooth and nail but kissed BLM’s ass. Why? Because the global fascists want “protest” movements to be pointless and non-directed exactly like BLM’s was. God forbid some concrete right be preserved or achieved.

  7. Fuck You Doug!
    I ain’t voting for you Either!


    Ottawa Police Chief just QUIT.
    Too Late
    He was “Sloly” loosing the respect of EVERYONE!

    We the Canadian people, AND YOUR SEASONED OFFICERS, told you that you were on the wrong side of History, to use a common leftist Quote!

    Turdeau fucked you with his “Emergency Act”

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